Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences


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Poster Numbering Key:The first number indicates the poster board numberThe second number (#Pxxx) indicates the poster abstract number15 #P15 Receptive Field Mapping of the Oral Cavity in the RostralNucleus of the Solitary TractJames A. Corson, Alev Erisir, David Hill. University ofVirginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States16 #P16 Sucrose-best cells in the parabrachial nuclei preferentiallyproject to the nucleus accumbens in the hamsterCheng-Shu Li. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,Carbondale, IL, United States17 #P17 Parabrachial taste responses to sucrose, fructose andPolycose in the ratCarolyn E. Pritchett, Peter Kovacs, Andras Hajnal.Department of Neural & Behavioral <strong>Sciences</strong>, Penn StateUniversity, College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United StatesT H U R S D A Y18 #P18 The Role of Amygdala-Cortical Cooperation inTaste ProcessingCaitlin E Piette 1,3 , Donald B Katz 2,3 . 1 Department of Biology,Waltham, MA, United States, 2 Department of Psychology,Waltham, MA, United States, 3 Volen National Center <strong>for</strong>Complex Systems, Waltham, MA, United States19 #P19 Roles of Gustatory Cortex and Central Amygdala inProcessing Taste ConcentrationBrian F Sadacca, Donald B Katz. Brandeis University,Waltham, MA, United States20 #P20 Influence of the Soa Genetic Locus on Responses toBitter Stimuli in Mouse Central Gustatory NeuronsDavid M. Wilson 1 , John D. Boughter, Jr. 2 , Christian H.Lemon 1 . 1 Saint Louis University School of Medicine, SaintLouis, MO, United States, 2 University of Tennessee HealthScience Center, Memphis, TN, United States21 #P21 Signal Detection Analysis of Oral Sensory Responses toFat in Mouse Central Gustatory NeuronsChristian H. Lemon, David M. Wilson. Saint Louis UniversitySchool of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, United StatesAbstracts are printed as submitted by the author(s)<strong>Program</strong> in Detail | 23

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