Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences


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Poster Numbering Key:The first number indicates the poster board numberThe second number (#Pxxx) indicates the poster abstract number13 #P221 MMP-2 expression in the olfactory bulb is associatedwith neuronal reinnervationStephen R Bakos, Richard M Costanzo. VirginiaCommonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States14 #P222 In Vivo Expression of Osterix in Mouse Olfactory BulbJung-Eun Kim 1 , Ji-Soo Park 2 . 1 Department of MolecularMedicine, Cell and Matrix Research Institute, KyungpookNational University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea,2Department of Molecular Medicine, Cell and Matrix ResearchInstitute, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine,Daegu, Korea15 #P223 Calbindin, Parvalbumin and Calretinin Immunoreactivityin the Medial Amygdala of Male HamstersLindsey M Silz, Michael Meredith. Florida State University,Tallahassee, FL, United States16 #P224 Sexually Relevant Olfactory Stimuli Activate the MedialPreoptic Nucleus in an Age-Dependent MannerDaniel J Tobiansky 1 , Juan M Dominguez 1,2 . 1 Department ofPsychology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,United States, 2 Institute <strong>for</strong> Neuroscience, The University ofTexas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States17 #P225 Anatomical and Molecular Characterization of CentrifugalCells Within the Olfactory CortexAndrew N. Young, Qian-Quan Sun. University of Wyoming,Laramie, WY, United States18 #P226 Reversible Partial Deafferentation of the ZebrafishOlfactory Bulb with Repeated Detergent ApplicationTaylor R. Paskin, Tania R. Iqbal, Christine A. Byrd-Jacobs.Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, United States70 | AChemS <strong>Program</strong> 2010 Abstracts are printed as submitted by the author(s)

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