Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

Program - Association for Chemoreception Sciences


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9:00 am #55 The Missense of Smell: Functional Variability in theHuman Odorant Receptor RepertoireJoel D. Mainland, Hiroaki Matsunami. Duke University,Durham, NC, United States9:15 am #56 NCKX4, a calcium regulator, efficiently terminates theolfactory response and moderates the extent of adaptationAaron B. Stephan 1 , Steven Tobochnik 1 , Johannes Reisert 2 ,Haiqing Zhao 1 . 1 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,United States, 2 Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia,PA, United States9:30 am #57 CAGE MATCH! Effect of Rodent Housing Conditionson Aggressive Behavior and P2 Glomerular AnatomyErnesto Salcedo, Anthony Oliva, Jennifer Hellier, KanthaiahKoka, Daniel Tollin, Xuan Ly, Diego Restrepo. University ofColorado Denver, Denver, CO, United States9:45 am #58 A Brain-Machine Interface Through the Nose:Wheelchair DrivingAnton Plotkin 1 , Lee Sela 1 , Aharon Weissbrod 1 , NahumSoroker 2,3 , Noam Sobel 1 . 1 Weizmann Institute of Science,Rehovot, Israel, 2 Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital,Raanana, Israel, 3 Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-AvivUniversity, Tel-Aviv, Israel10:00 am – 10:30 am BREAKPavilion90 | AChemS <strong>Program</strong> 2010

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