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HBy David Francisave you ever thought ofgoing to summer camp,but the idea of spendinga summer day making anecklace of beads sounded a little bitless than appealing?If so, we now have a summercamp that was made for you. Kayand Jerry Miculek and Jim Clark Jr.have been working with USPSA tocreate a summer camp for juniorshooters. The camp will take placeat the Shootout range in Princeton,La., and will run from Tuesday, August4, through Saturday, August 8.The camp is open to all juniors whohave registered with the USPSAJunior Program.With memories that will last alifetime, the students' days will besplit between the classroom and therange and the evenings will be freetime. It was designed to be both fttnand educational. Here's a look atsome of the activities that will takeplace.Classroom:Students will be taught USPSArules, the care and maintenance ofequipment, and basic shooting principlessuch as sight alignment, triggercontrol, grip, and stance. Theyalso will discuss and demonstrate aproper "draw" technique. The reloadingseminar will explain"power factor," discuss bullet andpowder performance, and explainthe parts and functions of a progressivereloader. A special emphasiswill be placed on safety.Live fire training:On the range, they will reviewbasic shooting techniques and makesure they are properly applied. Practicesessions will include one-shotdraws, Bill drills, multiple targetdrills, and 25 to 50 yard Standardexercises. In addition, some of themany techniques students will learninclude how to get in and out ofshooting positions, how to shootaround obstacles and through ports,how to shoot on the move, and howto engage moving targets. This is nota complete list of instruction given,but be assured that those attendingJunuor Summer Campwill receive a well-rounded educationconcerning the various aspectsof practical shooting.Daily Schedule:7:00 a.m. Wake-up call.7:30 a.m. Breakfast served in TheBunkhouse.8:00 a.m. Classroom or live-fire training.12:00 p.m. Lunch served in TheBunkhouse.1:00 p.m. Classroom or live-fire training.4:00 p.m. Daily instruction ends.4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Free time withadult-supervised games, television,videos, etc. Supper will be served at6:00 p.m. in The Bunkhouse.With three instructors of the caliberof Kay, Jerry and Jim, it is agiven that students will not onlyhave a good time but also will goWhen It's Time For A Change ...THE S&AAmbidextrousMAG RELEASEFinally, an ambidextrous magazine release allowing fullright or left-handed control of Colt, Springfield, ParaOrdnance and other 1911 type autos. Discover what 'lefties'have known for years. The trigger finger is quicker than thethumb. Quick, positive release with trigger finger or thumb!• ,,a41•1"home with a better understanding ofthe sport. For more information, callKay at (318) 949-1303 between 6:00p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Central time. Youcan also visit the camp home page athttp:/ /www.norwich.net/plumber/camp.html.A lot of time has been spentworking on this summer camp tomake sure that all details have beenlooked at, not only by the staff atCamp Shootout, but also by yourpresident, vice president and areadirectors. The common bond of theJunior Program is the belief that juniorshooters are the future, not onlyfor USPSA but for all firearm owners.Do your part to support a juniorand those who support the future ofthe sport.It looks like this is going to be anadventure. I wish I were 12.• IDEAL FOR USPSAJIPSC COMPETITIONI• CHANGE MAGAZINE WITHOUT SHIFTINGGRIPI• REMOVE OR REPLACE WITH FINGERS'(AFTER INITIAL INSTALLATION)• NOTHING TO GO OUT OF ADJUSTMENT'• STAINLESS OR BLUESATISFACTION GUARANTEED!$99.00PLUSU.S. PAT. *4.521.985P.O. BOX 49620885.00 S8HCALLTOLLFREE1-800SA2-1911SMITH & GARLAND. TX USA 75049-6208inc. FAX 1-972-840-6176ALEXANDER,INTERNATIONAL 1-972-840-3665May/June 1998 • <strong>FRONT</strong> <strong>SIGHT</strong> 27

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