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stay connected...1989Laura Bauschard2918 Octavia St.San Francisco CA 94123415-806-2412 (cell)lbauschard@gmail.comCurtis Eames978-994-9015curtiseames111@gmail.comGina Hoods400 Chaney Road, Apt. 1024Smyrna TN 37167423-892-7140404-667-4939ghoods@yahoo.comGreetings and salutations!As this pours out onto digital paper, it’s earlyJanuary and it’s 7, I kid you negative, 7 degreesoutside, which Heather Pottle, Henry Gourdeau,and I are enjoying (not!). But by the time you readthis, the Gunga time machine will have sent us allto spring 2015. You’re now “back to the future”! Sostrap on your self-lacing sneakers and enjoy thelatest Class of 1989 news.David Carnes is happily building his techconsultingfirm, keeping active in a globalentrepreneur organization, and spending muchtime opening his first office in Toronto. Icelandhas become a favorite getaway for him and hiswife, Oksana, and their three kids. George Webbgives a “Good morning, Rockwell!” shout-out andis soon releasing an open software project called,yup, Bitchen.Paul Howe and I continue to grapple atScrabble in the phantom zone (Internet) when he’snot working at Nextdoor, a social network for U.S.neighborhoods. He and his wife, Andrea Newell,are in San Francisco. Paul reports that Rob Schicklives in a little farmhouse in Scotland, is a marinebiologist at the University of St Andrews, andtakes falconry lessons with his 9-year-old daughter.Pete Katz is now COO of MoMA PS1 andrecently starred in a production of Glengarry GlenRoss. Always be closing, Pete! He also attended thelaunch party for Atticus Lish’s recently publishedPreparation for the Next Life. Atticus is currentlypenning his next best seller and sends his bestto everyone.Adam Pechter created and runs an opinionresearch firm in Princeton, N.J., specializing insubnational populations for the U.S. and other “FiveEye” governments, primarily in Arab and Muslimcountries. He has traveled to the border of Syriaand Turkey five times since the revolution in Syriabegan. Justin Jefferies and his family have movedto Sydney, Australia, the hometown of his wife,Catherine. His three boys love NFL and Aussierules football and play basketball, club soccer, andbaseball. He visited his 115th country, North Korea,a little less than a year ago. Justin acts as an Andover108 Andover | Spring 2015alumni interviewer for Australia and New Zealandand recently had a beer with Jill DiMaggio, who,Justin adds, lives in Melbourne and is rocking anAussie accent. Find Justin on InstaSugar for some“Jefferies family goodness.”Nils Gilman won a Sidney Award, givenby the New York Times’s David Brooks, for hisessay “The Twin Insurgency,” which appeared inThe American Interest and addresses the squeezepolitical forces are putting on the middle class.From Madison, N.J., Tyler Merson reportshe had a great time at the reunion and highlyrecommends Marianna Baer’s book, Frost.Cadir Lee and his kids also enjoyed the 25th.Over the summer, Cadir caught up with formerroommate John Roesler, who has a “fab” newhouse near the beach for surfing convenience.Cadir works with Opower and other companiestrying to save the world from climate change.Adam Wolfe and his wife, Sherry, had ababy girl, Lily, in March 2014. Adam practiceslaw in Tampa, Fla., and has traded referrals withEric Van De Water, who lawyers in Atlanta.Emily Gordon returned to Manhattan and looksforward to seeing more performances, paintings,and people. She is now newsroom managingeditor for Ogilvy & Mather, which is more likeMad Men than she expected (but just the goodparts). She is always up for trading work withfellow creative writers.After many years in NYC, Jennifer Stablefordand husband David Finley accepted postsat Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center inHanover, N.H., and are relocating with their twosons to nearby Vermont. Edenn Sarino Vidriowas part of the team that conceived and openedthe Wellness Center in Los Angeles in early 2014,the first of its kind in LA County. Jeff Ferris andhis wife, Laura Ballentine Ferris, have two kids: a3-year-old daughter, Sally, and a 9-month-old son,Brewer. They live in Manhattan, where Jeff is thehead of credit asset management Americas forUniCredit Bank.In the hustle and bustle that is Wisconsin,Molly Foster Keller (one of our newlycrowned co-class agents, along withAriel Anderson Moore) juggles three kids andfarm chores, including caring for three Nubiangoats, aptly named Pabst, Blue, and Ribbon. Ifanyone’s interested in taking on three sassy goats,be sure to contact Molly! Her family launchedthe #SayCheeseChallenge, which, she adds,“needless to say, has not ‘gone’ (viral) anywhereand remains an isolated case of Wisconsininsanity.” Their video is a hilariously epic must-see;search for #SayCheeseChallenge on YouTube.In November, Molly and Ariel reunited withChristina Weaver Vest at Christina’s home inWellesley, Mass.Spending the spring and summer on theGreek island of Kea, Costas Anastassiadiscofounded Kea Family Homes, a boutiqueproperty-management business. He and his wife,Myrtia Nikolakopoulou, also founded Qbox, acontemporary art gallery in Athens. They have a5-year-old son named Phoebus. Costas keeps intouch with Michael Froeschl, a cardiologist basedin Ottawa, and Hassan Ahari, who works forthe Mubadala Fund in Abu Dhabi. Lee Websterreports that Eric Zinterhofer’s wife, Aerin, hasstarted a home-decor line called, yes, Aerin.Mike Hearle, his wife, Mary, and their threekids had a great time at the reunion. Mikenow has a framed selfie with stage and screenstar Sarah Rafferty as proof of attendance.He hosted Josh Bienfang, Jake Appleton,Dave Satterthwaite, Caleb Jacobson-Sive, andtheir assorted significant others and offspring fordinner and a late night of laughs. He also visitedJake in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in March 2014and got in four days of lights-out trout fishing inPatagonia. Living in Boston, Mike is an alumniadmissions rep, interviewing incredible kids fromaround the world.Craig Knight lives in Beverly Hills, Calif., withhis lovely wife, Jody, a successful screenwriter,and two sons, Reed, 4, and Lucas, 9. Along withCharlie Kemp, as well as Shian Velie Brisbois andhusband Ken Brisbois ’93, Craig hounds me aboutreturning to LA. I am still acting (when I canget the gigs—can I get written into Suits, SarahRafferty?) and planning a return, but for now I’mstill in, as Orin Herskowitz eloquently describesit, an “odd zone: too old to feel as if there areguaranteed to be unlimited possibilities ahead, tooyoung to just phone it in.” But hey—“What, meworry?” Y’all feel that?So by phone, Internet, telepathy, smoke signal,or other, please keep the 1989 news coming! —Curtis Eames199025th REUNIONJune 12–14, 2015Regina A. DeMeo1666 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 250Washington DC 20009240-621-0559reginademeo@yahoo.comThomas W. Seeley1572 Heifer RoadSkaneateles NY 13152315-263-0052 (cell)315-685-3416 (work)twseeley@gmail.comHey everyone! No news to report this quarterbecause we don’t want any spoilers for (drumroll, please)...our 25th Reunion, in just a fewshort weeks!How I wish we could go back to our formerselves, from 25 years ago. Since Jim Croce neverdid figure out how to save that time in a bottle,the next best thing is to haul ourselves to campusand imagine a time when we all had a little more

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