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CONNECTIONtheBuzzzzzzSandy Urie ’70, chair and CEOof Cambridge Associates, wonthe Institutional Investor LifetimeAchievement Award, whichrecognizes U.S. institutionalinvestors whoseinnovative strategiesand fiduciary savvyresulted in impressivereturns in 2014…In December, BobbyFarnham ’08 wascalled up from theminor league Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins to playright wing for the PittsburghPenguins…Paula Caballero ’80 washonored with the 2014 ZayedInternational Prize for theEnvironment for her work asthe director of economic, social,and environmental affairs forColombia’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs…In April, Sam Smith ’54 cycledacross Germany and the CzechRepublic on a solo tour, whichincluded stops in Treuchtlingen,Regensburg, Trier, Koblenz,Leipzig, Dresden, and Prague…Hunter College celebrated thecareer of longtime art historyprofessor William Agee ’55 inApril with a symposium in NewYork City…Pam WeilerGrayson ’82 wrotethe music and lyricsfor Urban Momfare,a musical based ona book she cowrote.Three years indevelopment, themusical premieredlast summer at the New YorkInternational Fringe Festival andwon a Fringe Best Musical Award.Pam is now working to bring theshow off-Broadway…EmmettKeeler ’58sings in LosAngeles’sAngel CityChorale,whichreflects thespirit and diversity of the city. In2014, the chorale recorded a newclassical crossover album, TheDrop That Contained the Sea byChristopher Tin, premiered thework at Carnegie Hall, and toppedthe Billboard classical chart fortwo weeks…Chuck Chung ’87 won a Bill &Melinda Gates Foundationgrant to engineernanotexturedsurfaces, whichhave specialapplicationssuch as creatingextremelywater-repellentcoatings…Fashion maven Laura VinrootPoole ’90 founded theHouse Account app,which gives exposure toand generates sales forindependent boutiquesacross the country…Nils Gilman ’89 wonthe New York Times’Sidney Award for his essay, “TheTwin Insurgency,” which appearedin the political magazine TheAmerican Interest and addressesthe squeeze political forces areputting on the middle class…Atticus Lish ’89’s dark debutnovel, Preparation for the NextLife, won the2015 PEN/FaulknerAward forFiction,the largestpeer-juriedaward inthe country,honoringthe bestpublished works of Americanfiction…Carl Smit ’90 coanchoredthe team thatwon the SAP 505 WorldChampionships in sailingin Port Elizabeth, SouthAfrica…MacArthur Genius Ai-jenPoo ’92 was named toForbes magazine’s list of“The World’s 50 GreatestLeaders” for her work asthe foremost advocate forliving wages and healthcare benefits for domesticworkers…Krishna Gupta ’05, cofoundingpartner at RomulusCapital, and AbigailSeldin ’05, cofounderof College Abacus (the“Kayak for collegefinancial aid”), bothwere named to Forbesmagazine’s 2015 “30Under 30” list…Noah Warren ’07 was namedthe winner of the 2015 Yale Seriesof Younger Poets competition forhis manuscript, “The Destroyerin the Glass.” The competitioncelebrates the country’s mostprominent new poets and itslongest-running poetry prize…In November, Fred Shuman ’57and wife Stephanie were named aWall Street Journal “Donor of theDay” for their gift to the CentralPark Conservancy to cover repairsand maintenance in perpetuity…Amy Carr ’93 designed lights forthe Fédération Internationale del’Automobile annual awards galain Doha, Qatar…After suffering a seasonendinginjury to his UCLin 2014 that requiredTommy John surgery,Rory Ziomek ’13 foughthis way back to themound to pitch for Tuftsbaseball this spring…Kit Smith ’52 placed fourthin the 80-plus age group inthe Honolulu Marathon inDecember.Please e-mail BUZZ suggestions toandovermagazine@andover.edu.60 Andover | Spring 2015

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