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Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts 01810-4161Periodicalspostage paid atAndover MAand additionalmailing officesHouseholds that receive more than one Andover magazine are encouraged to call 978-749-4267 to discontinue extra copies.Where Is PhillipsAcademy Now?Where DoWe NeedTo Be?InclusiveMulticulturalCompliantMonocultural{• Appreciates what everyone at the Academybrings with them.• Motto: “Do we have everyone’s input? Let’s notmiss an opportunity to be smarter than we are.”{• Has a diverse mix of students, faculty, and staff withdifferences in race, gender, age, sexual orientation,disabilities, etc.; struggles with the best use of diversity.• Motto: “Multiculturalism equals food, fashion, andfestivals for everyone, but not necessarily equity for all.”{• Views diversity as a problem; is a numbers-basedorganization.• Motto: “What do we have to do to stay outof trouble?”{• Unconscious at best and intentionallydiscriminatory at worst; may have a diverseworkforce but still only values the majority culture.• Motto: “This is how we do it around here.”

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