2013 DCBA Strategic Plan - Destination Cape Breton Association

2013 DCBA Strategic Plan - Destination Cape Breton Association

2013 DCBA Strategic Plan - Destination Cape Breton Association


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strongest for us in 2012 according to our Travel Intentions survey and Googleanalytics. We will not be testing new markets this season but will be focusingour investment specifically to where we are shown to have the strongest visitorinterest.Increase spend per visitor partyo According to our Travel Intentions and Conversion survey, the average spend per visitorparty for 2011 was $804 and for 2012 was $978, representing an increase ofapproximately 15%o The goal for <strong>2013</strong> is to increase 5% over 2012 to an average spend of $1027Visits to Experiential Icons to increase by the percentages shown below:o 15% Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Parko 5% <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Breton</strong> Highlands National Parko 3% Alexander Graham Bell Museumo 5% St. Anne’s Gaelic CollegeIncrease in our return on investment (ROI) from our advertising buyo The ROI for the 2012 ad buy was $21.16 representing an increase over 2011 of 22%o The goal for <strong>2013</strong> is an increase of 5% for an ROI of $22.22The supporting objectives are defined to help drive results of the primary goals. Our supportingobjectives are the following:Increase average length of stayo According to Travel Intentions, the average length of stay in 2011 was 3.1 nights and in2012 increased to 3.7 nights which represents a 19% increase.o The goal for <strong>2013</strong> is 3.9 nights which is a 5% increase over 2012.Website improvementso An increase in web visitation by 10% which would bring total visits to 117,168o Maintain an overall bounce rate of 40% or lesso Maintain a bounce rate of 35% or less for all Pay per click campaigns (Adwords)Gain more media attention for the destinationo Work with diverse media contractors to increase the earned media and profile of CBIsland among top writers and publicationso RB Media will be engaged again <strong>2013</strong> for attendance at media shows and working thetraditional channels of media relationso Siren communications will be engaged to help expand island promotion through newand non-traditional means.(Note: In 2012, Golf <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Breton</strong> engaged SirenCommunications whose work determined $4.2M in earned media from 52 writers and81 placements.)The following are defined as the required actions to help achieve both the primary and supportingobjectives:Targeting our marketing investment to the geographic areas that show the strongest results andpropensity to visit CBI per our Travel Intentions and Conversion Study. For determining futuretest markets, we will work to gain information from the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) on23

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