WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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o n lo c at i o nWomeX A – Z<strong>WOMEX</strong> A – ZBadges and Wristbands<strong>WOMEX</strong> will issue wristbands as well as badges on arrival.Both must be worn at all times during <strong>WOMEX</strong> <strong>11</strong> andare not transferable. For this reason, delegates may beasked to provide proof of identity. <strong>WOMEX</strong> is unable toreplace badges and/or wristbands that have been lost.Replacements are charged a full price registration. Forrecycling purposes, we kindly ask you to return the plasticsleeve carrying your badge before you leave the <strong>WOMEX</strong>premises. You can either hand it back to the RegistrationCounter at Forum Copenhagen or put it in the box at theexit of Koncerthuset right after the Award Ceremony.CateringThree catering spots will be open at <strong>WOMEX</strong>’s daytimevenue, Forum Copenhagen, during Trade Fair operatinghours. A wide variety of food is on offer: snacks,sandwiches, salads, pastries and several warm dishesincluding vegetarian options. On the ground flooryou’ll find Cafe Forum (open 10:00 – 18:00) and on thebalcony two more catering areas, Buffet Balcony (open12:00 – 18:00) and Cafe Balcony (open 14:00 – 18:00on Wednesday; <strong>11</strong>:00 – 15:30 on Thursday and Friday;<strong>11</strong>:00 – 17:00 on Saturday). Hot meals will also be servedat the nighttime venue – in the restaurant located onKoncerthuset’s first floor (open 19:00 – 22:00) – and therewill be several lively bars close to the Showcase stagesoffering sandwiches.We have also put together a list of nice and affordablerestaurants, cafes and take-away shops for you aroundthe daytime venue and in the city centre on your way tothe Showcase Festival.› Cover Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Daytime Venue› On Location/Copenhagen on a Budget› Back Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Nighttime VenueChange your ClocksThe last <strong>WOMEX</strong> night – Saturday to Sunday – waschosen by the European authorities for changing clocksfrom summer to winter time thus granting one morehour of sleep to all exhausted delegates before you willbe heading to the final <strong>WOMEX</strong> Networking Breakfast andAward Ceremony on Sunday morning at 10:00. Do notforget to change your clocks!CloakroomsWe will have cloakrooms for your belongings at bothvenues, Forum Copenhagen and Koncerthuset – for a fee.Please note that, due to fire regulations, all Koncerthusetvisitors are obliged to leave their jackets/coats at thecloakroom before they are allowed in.DaycasesAs a complementary presentation to the NightShowcases, <strong>WOMEX</strong> Daycases are devoted to a specificartist/style. A brief introductory speech before eachDaycase offers the chance to learn more about the music.There will be two per day: Laima Jansone (Latvia) andShunsuke Kimura x Etsuro Ono (Japan); Özlem Taner(Turkey) and Antti Paalanen (Finland); Mohammad RezaMortazavi (Iran/Germany) and Krar Collective (Ethiopia/UK). The Daycases take place during the middayConference break, Thursday to Saturday, 13:00 – 14:00and 14:15 – 15:15 at Forum Copenhagen’s Daycase Stage.› Conference/Sessions› Showcases/Artists A – ZEssaysTo stimulate discussion and debate, <strong>WOMEX</strong> seeks thebroadest range of opinion in our essays. The views of theauthors are not necessarily those of <strong>WOMEX</strong>.› Network/Who’s Playing Whom?› Network/The World According to JazzFestival TicketsThe <strong>WOMEX</strong> Showcase Festival is also open to thegeneral public. A limited number of tickets for all NightShowcases at Koncerthuset, including the Opening,are available for sale. Bring along your partner, friendsand family at night – see www.womex.com for moreinformation.Filming and RecordingAudio and audio-visual recordings are not allowedwithout express, contractual permission. Forms areavailable at the Media Counter in the registration areaat Forum Copenhagen.InternetThere will be Wi-Fi free of charge at the daytime venue,Forum Copenhagen, plus you will find a number ofpublic Internet terminals on the first-floor balcony.Print and copy facilities are available at the same place.› Cover Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Daytime VenueLanguageTo keep communication between <strong>WOMEX</strong> participantspractical and efficient, <strong>WOMEX</strong> has chosen InternationalEnglish as the lingua franca. Adopted by the Internet, theprofessional music community in general and the worldmusic community in particular, this was the logical choicefor successful interaction.Media CounterJournalists needing specific information, artist or speakercontacts, recording permission or a quiet interviewroom should come to the Media Counter in the ForumCopenhagen entrance area, next to the RegistrationCounter – the media team will be happy to help you.MerchandisingIf you want to buy CDs of the Showcase artists, you canoften do so from the artists themselves, either right atthe stage or at the stage entrance after the concert.Networking BreakfastJoin us for a final <strong>WOMEX</strong> Networking Breakfast servedat Koncerthuset’s entrance area on Sunday from 10:00 –12:00 just before the Award Ceremony, to clink glassesone more time with your friends and partners beforeeveryone heads back home.› Schedules/<strong>WOMEX</strong> HoursNon-SmokingSmoking is not allowed indoors – neither at ForumCopenhagen nor at Koncerthuset. If you need to smoke,please head for the closest outside area.ServicesNeed a place to meet, discuss or relax after a long<strong>WOMEX</strong> day? Check out Studio 3 in the basementof Koncerthuset.For tips on how to save money on local transport,food and sightseeing during your stay, check ourCopenhagen on a Budget feature in the <strong>Guide</strong> rightbefore the page with emergency, travel informationand other important phone numbers.› On Location/Copenhagen on a Budget› On Location/Service› Back Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Nighttime VenueStudent Tickets<strong>WOMEX</strong> is offering tickets at a reduced price tostudents, giving access to all <strong>WOMEX</strong> events fromThursday to Saturday, 27 to 29 October, for 80 eurosplus VAT. For more information, seewww.womex.com/realwomex/pdf/20<strong>11</strong>/Students.pdf.TransportThe daytime venue, Forum Copenhagen, is situated in thewestern part of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg. Metro lineM2 runs directly from Copenhagen airport to Forum (10stations) and line M1 runs directly between the daytimevenue, Forum, and the nighttime venue, Koncerthuset(6 stations). The metro operates at 4-6 minute intervalsduring the day and evening, and every 15-20 minutesduring the night. www.m.dkThere are three bus lines stopping in front of ForumCopenhagen: 2A, 68 and 250S. Bus number 250S is a fastconnection between Amager Island and the north ofCopenhagen. Bus 68 starts at Vesterport station and goesnorth. Bus number 2A connects Copenhagen airport andthe northern part of Copenhagen. Several buses servethe <strong>WOMEX</strong> nighttime venue, Koncerthuset, but it’s muchmore convenient to take the metro. If you still want tocheck out the bus option, see www.moviatrafik.dk.Please call a taxi should you need one. You will findtaxi numbers on our Service page in the <strong>Guide</strong>.They will usually pick you up within 10 minutes. It’s a5-minute drive from Forum Copenhagen to the citycentre and approximately 10 minutes from Koncerthuset.And if you take your own car: the daytime venue, Forum,is located in the Frederiksberg parking zone, whereparking is free for the first two hours. If you need to parkfor a longer period of time, you must purchase an all-dayparking permit available at the cloakroom in Forum. Thereis also parking – for a fee – in front of Koncerthuset.Here is a map providing a good overview ofCopenhagen’s metro lines, S-trains, regional trainsand buses: www.womex.com/realwomex/cph-map.pdf› Cover Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Daytime Venue› On Location/Copenhagen Map› On Location/Service› Back Flap/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Nighttime Venueo n lo c at i o nWomeX A – Z32 33

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