WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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PMS 1807 CPMS 485 Cfestivals | CONfeReNCe | eteP | ebba www.eurosonic-noorderslag.nlTHE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALTHE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALTHE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALTHE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALSession 20Can Archival Recordings StimulateEconomic Growth and Interestin World Music?How it’s done and what about global copyright?THE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALSaturday 16:15 – 17:00Conference 2Chaired by Erik Gilbert (USA), IODAwith Iain Scott (UK), Sterns Music;Quinton Scott (UK), Strut RecordsArchival recordings have emerged as a growing businessopportunity benefitting not only those who acquire therights but the artists as well and also the region fromwhich the recordings originated. The reintroductionof archival recordings to new fans around the worldraises interest in new music coming out of that region,bringing additional economic benefits as more artistsare discovered by a global audience. While a compellingbusiness model and opportunity, murky copyright lawsand chain of title can present challenges that make itdifficult for these recordings to fully realise their potential,and for composers, artists and performers to be fullycompensated. This panel will showcase successfuldistribution of archival recordings from such regions asAfrica and Latin America, while also discussing the issuesof global copyright laws.THE EUROPEANMUSIC CONFERENCEAND SHOWCASEFESTIVALPress Conference<strong>WOMEX</strong> <strong>11</strong> – Review and PreviewOpen to all <strong>WOMEX</strong> delegates!Saturday 16:15 – 16:45Conference 3With Ben Mandelson (UK), <strong>WOMEX</strong> Founding Director;Anna Pötzsch (Germany), <strong>WOMEX</strong> Director ofMedia & Communications;Anders Laursen (Denmark), Chairman World MusicFair Copenhagen;Giorgos Markakis (Greece), Hellenic Ministry of Culture –General Directorate of Modern CultureFinal facts and figures about the last edition in the Danishcapital and <strong>WOMEX</strong>’s three-year partnership with WorldMusic Fair Copenhagen; introduction of the new <strong>WOMEX</strong>12 host city and local partner; and time for questions andanswers with the <strong>WOMEX</strong> production team.SeSSions CO n f e r e n c eConferenCe registrations open through our websitewww.eurosoniC-noorderslag.nlmain sponsors139

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