WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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Session 13 Session 14 Session 15Selling World Music to the HipstersMarketing the new breed of non-traditionalworld music actsWe Put the Fun in FundingAn exploration into the world’s music funding systemsBig in JapanHow to sell and promote your music in JapanSeSSions CO n f e r e n c eSaturday <strong>11</strong>:00 – <strong>11</strong>:45Conference 2Chaired by Mais Um Gringo (UK), Mais Um DiscosMais Um Gringo was unsatisfied with the compilationsof new Brazilian music he was finding, so he travelledto Brazil, tracked down the bands, licensed the tracks,launched a label and marketed and distributed a CD.That CD of unknown alternative artists fusing genres andstyles has now sold over three thousand units worldwide,receiving global critical acclaim from both world musicand alternative audiences and critics. In this talk, he willdiscuss how to market non-traditional world music actsfocusing on: new directions and new audiences in worldmusic; how to style and brand the new world music; theimportance of a concept; how to turn a shrinking musicmarket to your benefit and how it’s never been a bettertime to D-I-Y.Saturday 12:00 – 12:45Conference 1Chaired by Shain Shapiro (Canada/UK), CIMAwith David McLoughlin (Ireland/Brazil), BM&A;Stuart Thomas (UK), Creative ScotlandBehind the music industry, there’s another industryof sorts, the world of government funding with itsrole in the production and dissemination of music. Asthe industry continues to decline with the loss of thephysical market, public monies have become increasinglyimportant to artists’ careers, festivals and nationalpavilions. Export offices are becoming versions of A&R,putting forward artists that are best for the nationalbrand. Yet, as funding develops and increases, so dothe ways in which it is organised from one country toanother, producing a diverging field of funding systemsacross the globe. It’s best if we understand and learnfrom each other, and fully appreciate how importantgovernment funding is in the modern music industry.Come, meet and learn from the leaders of Canada, Brazil,UK and others to discuss the growing importance ofmusic funding in the mainstream.Saturday 12:00 – 12:45Conference 2Chaired by Keiko Kawashima (Japan), PlanktonJapan and the USA together make up about half theworld’s total sales of recorded music. If you are in thebusiness of making and selling music, then Japan isone of your main markets and should not be ignored.The goal of this session is to show artists, managers andrecord labels how to effectively and affordably sell andpromote their music in Japan.© MeyeroriginalsDaycase › Showcases/Artists A – ZMohammad Reza Mortazavi (Iran/Germany)Intro: Cornelia Rost (Germany),Hessischer Rundfunk© Paul SherrattSaturday 13:00 – 14:00Forum/Daycase StageDaycase › Showcases/Artists A – ZKrar Collective (Ethiopia/UK)Intro: Birgit Ellinghaus (Germany), Alba KulturSeSSions CO n f e r e n c eSaturday 14:15 – 15:15Forum/Daycase Stage134135

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