WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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Film Screenings A – ZScreenings A – Z f i l m s© Jason Gardner © Laurent Benhamou © Elizabeth McKay © StinkfishCalypso Rose – The Lionessof the JungleMaturity ProductionsFriday 15:15 – 16:45CinemaGenre Documentary | Production Company Maturity Productions(Trinidad & Tobago) | Co-Production Company Dynamo Productions(France) | Associated Production Company Trinidad and Tobago FilmCompany (Trinidad & Tobago) | Producer Jean Michel Gibert | AuthorPascale Obolo | Source Video/Audio HD/Stereo | Recorded 20<strong>11</strong>Duration 85’Calypso Rose is an ambassador of Caribbean music, aliving legend, a charismatic character, the uncontesteddiva of calypso music. Paris, New York, Trinidad,Tobago, back to Africa, in each place, we learn a littlemore about the many faces and facets of her life. It isa film not only about memory and the exchange anddiscovery of world cultures but also about the journeyof a militant and authentic woman, an Afro-Caribbeansoul, an exemplary artist, far from the glitz and glitter,at the dawn of her life.Creole Cousins – A Portraitof Lindigo in BrazilOriginal Title: Croisées MétissesHelicoSaturday 16:15 – 17:10CinemaGenre Documentary | Production Company Helico (France)Co-Production Company Crunk (France) | Producer Valentin LangloisExecutive Producer Laurent Benhamou | TV Director Laurent BenhamouEditor Jean-Marie Roignant | Author Valentin Langlois | Source Video/Audio HD/Stereo | Recorded Brazil, 20<strong>11</strong> | Duration 52’Filmed during the first tour of the Lindigo groupin the north of Brazil, this movie documents theencounter of the black identity from La Réunionwith the African-rooted culture in Brazil. From SantoAmaro to Recife (at Porto Musical) through Salvadorda Bahia, the movie reveals the extremely strong linkconnecting the black Reunion with the black Brazil.Despite geographical distance, the legacy of slaveryand African ancestors constitutes a common history.A revelation for Lindigo, finding strong connectionsto their ancestors so far away from their origins and arevelation for the Brazilians (re)discovering their ownmusical roots through music instruments and eventhe ancestor of capoeira, the moringue still performedby Lindigo.› Projects/Porto MusicalDharohar (A Legacy)Original Title: DharoharMove a Mountain Productions InternationalSaturday 15:15 – 16:15CinemaGenre Documentary | Production Company Move a Mountain ProductionsInternational (UK) | Producer Elizabeth McKay | TV DirectorElizabeth McKay | Camera Elio Pavolini Zossi | Editor Elio Pavolini ZossiAuthor Elizabeth McKay| Source Video/Audio HD/Stereo | RecordedIndia, 20<strong>11</strong> | Duration 50’In 2007, the Jaipur Virasat Foundation, which supportstraditional arts and music in Rajasthan, India, broughttogether seven folk musicians from different castesand religions, who would never normally playtogether. The foundation invited Jason Singh, a beatboxerfrom Manchester, and Bex Mather, a guitaristand songwriter, to join the musicians. Other artistsfrom England also came out to join the band fromtime to time. This is the story of a unique collaborationwhich transcends cultural and religious dividesand toured India bringing its exuberant blend oftraditional folk music and contemporary rhythmsto rapturous audiences.Frekuensia KolombianaIntermundosFriday 17:00 – 18:00CinemaGenre Documentary | Production Company Intermundos (Colombia)Co-Production Company Further Productions (Colombia) | AssociatedProduction Companies Centauro Comunicaciones, Akabi, Wild Movies(Colombia) | Producers Vanessa Gocksch, Walter Hernandez | ExecutiveProducer Richard Lee | TV Director Vanessa Gocksch | Camera JoseMiguel Restrepo Moreno, Vanessa Gocksch, Walter Hernandez, Claudia TobonEditor Ivan Wild | Authors Vanessa Gocksch, Walter Hernandez | SourceVideo/Audio HD/Stereo | Recorded Colombia, 2006 | Duration 58’Frekuensia Kolombiana explores the traditional formsof Colombian music and its relation to hip-hop. Byway of interviews, events, situations and landscapes,the documentary uncovers a youth that constructsfrom exclusion a movement of hope and truth. Aswe witness their efforts to self-produce, organiseand multiply knowledge, we realise their necessity toperpetuate, communicate, give and exist. Throughthe lyrics of Tribu Omerta, Por Razones de Estado,Zona Marginal and others, we discover the lucidconsciousness of a youth that – through art – seeksto awaken and renew its society. This documentaryrepresents the voice of the Colombian street.› Conference/Session 6› Showcases/Artists A – Z: Systema SolarScreenings A – Z f i l m s164165

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