WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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Jazz flowsin all directions.Jazz thing & Blue Rhythm:magazine for jazz, world & beyond.ACP Music Festivals NetworkThe ACP Africa-Caribbean-Pacific Music Festivals Net -work is a three-year project supported by the ACP-EUSupport Programme to ACP Cultural Sectors.It aims to help structure the local music professionalnetworks, boost skills of music operators, favour mobilityand exchanges within and between the ACPregions and EU, and improve the international visibilityof ACP professionals.The actions of the project are undertaken with thesupport of Zone Franche, <strong>WOMEX</strong> and the CFCConseil Francophone de la Chanson.The ACP Music Festivals Network enjoys a strongpresence at this year’s <strong>WOMEX</strong>: three bands from theAfrica-Caribbean-Pacific regions will be presented bythe project on Thursday night, 27 October, while onFriday, 28 October, a presentation about the musicand culture from Melanesia, the least known regiontaking part in the project, will be hosted.You can meet all partners of the networkat the Trade Fair stand M.07.Project Leader:Zone Franche – World Music Network (France)After the initial meeting of all partners at <strong>WOMEX</strong> in2009, the following year was dedicated to the exchangeof competencies and expertise: at the first stage, each ofthe seven festival partners gathered information aboutthe ‘state of the arts’ in its region. After identifyingthe local weaknesses and strengths, they organisedspecific workshops for national and inter-regionalprofessionals.20<strong>11</strong> until early 2012 is focused on the creation orreinforcement of local networks. The festivals partnershave organised professional meetings: the creation of anetwork specialised in urban music in Central Africain Libreville, Gabon; the first edition of the IndianOcean Music Market on Reunion Island; professionalmeetings gathering operators from East Africa; andnetworking meetings and trainings in Cape Verde foroperators from the sub-region – the format of eachevent is shaped by the individual means and needs ofthe respective zone.EU Partners: <strong>WOMEX</strong> (Germany)CFC Conseil Francophone de la Chanson (Belgium)ACP Partners: Fest’Napuan (Vanuatu)Gabao (Gabon) | Kriol Jazz Festival (Cape Verde)Sagamusik (Burkina Faso) | Sakifo (La Réunion)Sauti za Busara (Tanzania) | Fondation pour leDéveloppement des Alliance Françaises (Haïti)www.womex.com/virtual/networks/acpwww.zonefranche.com› Conference/Networking Meetings & Presentations:Strange Birds of Paradise – Music and Culturefrom Melanesia› Showcases/ACP Music Festivals Networkp r o j e c t s acp Music Festivals NetworkInfo, subscriptions and free trial issue:Fon (+49) 2225. 7085 – 328, Fax – 399 / Postfach 1331 / D-53335 Meckenheimprobeheft@jazzthing.de / www.jazzthing.de75Indian Ocean Music Market (La Réunion) <strong>WOMEX</strong> 10 Kriol Jazz Festival (Cape Verde)

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