WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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SONG NOTES, WORLD NOTES, FOLK NOTES, BLUE NOTES?Speed-DatingTO GET YOUR WORK KNOWN TO30,000 READERS AND FELLOW READERSIN GERMANY, SWITZERLAND AND AUSTRIA,JUST PLACE AN AD IN …… reports … stories …faces … news from theheart of the scene …festivals and tour dates fromall over the world …04.<strong>11</strong>JULI-AUGUST20<strong>11</strong>GASTSPIEL:JOHANNESTHEURERZUM 20.GEBURTSTAGDER WORLDMUSIC CHARTSEUROPEHEIMSPIEL:GRÜNBERGFOLKFESTIVAL4 194587 606000 04ÜBER 100 CD-REZENSIONENPLUS: LIEDERBESTENLISTE & WORLD MUSIC CHARTSD: EUR 6,00 / A: EUR 6,60 / CH: SFR 9,00www.folker.deVON EINEM, DER AUSZOG,HOFFNUNG ZU VERBREITENALAN STIVELLOLINKA ORPHEAWATCHA CLANGABBY YOUNGPOLITSONGS INDER SCHWEIZMICHAELFRANTISZENE:POLKA BEATSALPENKLANGRAUSCHWASSERMUSIKSTIMMEN 20<strong>11</strong>03.<strong>11</strong>MAI-JUNI20<strong>11</strong>GASTSPIEL:U1-U4_folker_4-20<strong>11</strong>-2.indd 1 17.06.20<strong>11</strong> 08:35:50PIT BAUMGARTNERWO BLEIBT DASFACHPERSONALHEIMSPIEL:KÖLNEREDELWEISSPIRATEN4 194587 606000 03RAUCHDURCHTRÄNKTE MELANCHOLIEVON DEN KAPVERDENCESARIA EVORAÜBER 100 CD-REZENSIONENPLUS: LIEDERBESTENLISTE & WORLD MUSIC CHARTSD: EUR 6,00 / A: EUR 6,60 / CH: SFR 9,00www.folker.deBRUCE COCKBURNDANIEL KAHNFJARILLNICOLAS PELLERINSZENE:FOLKROCK SCHLÄGT TAKE THATWILDE TÖNECREOLE & BRANCHENTREFFWALDECK-FESTIVALSouth AmericaThursday 15:30 – 17:00Conference 4Looking for new business partners in South America, Eastern Europe or Canada?Opportunity is knocking. Take part in our Speed-Dating – organised in collaborationwith Brasil Music Exchange and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Commerceand Worship, Republic of Argentina; Hangvető, and CIMA Canadian Independent MusicAssociation – and meet labels, distributors, managers, festivals and agents from SouthAmerica, Eastern Europe and Canada.You will have seven minutes per meeting to pitch your business and exchange contactdetails, before moving on to the next one. A list of participants can be found online atwww.womex.com/lnk/speed-dating.Supported byEastern EuropeFriday 15:30 – 17:00Conference 4CanadaSaturday 15:30 – 17:00Conference 4CO n f e r e n c eSpeed-datingU1-U4_folker 3-<strong>11</strong>.indd 1 15.04.20<strong>11</strong> 12:25:38Price list obtainable from FOLKERc/o Katrin WerlichTel: +49-179-7870370anzeigen@folker.deTHIS NOTE‘S FOR YOU.www.folker.de143

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