WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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off<strong>WOMEX</strong>:Networking Meetings and PresentationsGet together, brainstorm, discuss and develop. <strong>WOMEX</strong> provides professional networks from all acrossthe globe with a platform for their meetings. Come if you’re connected, come if you’re curious.CO n f e r e n c eHungarian Heartbeats:The Roots of Hungarian MusicPuglia Sounds Presents MEDIMEX,the 1 st Mediterranean Music Expo in ItalyGlobal Music EducationNetworking MeetingNetworking Meetings & PresentationsThursday 15:15 – 16:15Conference 1With Phil Saltmarsh (Hungary), Eötvös Loránd University;Péter Árendás (Hungary), The Liszt Academy of Music;Tükrös Ensemble (Hungary);András Lelkes (Hungary), Hangvető/Producer ofHungarian HeartbeatsHungarian Heartbeats celebrates some of the musicaland cultural diversity that continues to flourish inBudapest and other cities, towns and villages. Ourpresenters provide an intriguing glimpse into theevolution of the Opening concert and explain the ideasand concept behind it. They will also offer an overview ofthe development of Hungarian folk music and the currenttrends in Hungarian world music, as well as introducingthe work of the Folk Music Department of the LisztAcademy of Music.› On Location/<strong>WOMEX</strong> OpeningThursday 15:15 – 16:00Conference 3Medimex is the International Music Fair of theMediterranean, organised by Puglia Sounds, which willtake place in Bari, Italy, 24-27 November 20<strong>11</strong>. A largemusic market, unique in Italy and dedicated to all musicgenres, that will be held within over 4,000 square metersof exhibition space. It will host 150 stands and 1,000national and international operators, 30 showcases andconcerts over 4 stages, presenting artists from Pugliaas well as Italian and international artists, and 4 areasdedicated to more than 20 meetings and internationalconferences. Medimex will also host the XV edition of MEI– Meeting of Independent Labels – which over the yearshas become a key reference point for national industryoperators.Thursday 16:30 – 17:15Conference 3Coordinated by Will Ramsay (South Africa),Global Music AcademyThis networking session is an open call to musiceducators, musicians and administrators to discuss thechallenges and opportunities for the future of musiceducation in a globalised world. Under discussion will bethe role of music schools in preserving and promotingdiversity of cultural expression, innovative new teachingmethods and curricula, the mutual recognition of musicstudy programmes and student/teacher exchange. Arewe really preparing musicians for the diverse challengesthey face in the 21 st century? What skills do musiciansneed to communicate with each other across borders?How can we document the world’s musical resourcesfor future generations and, at the same time, stimulateinnovation and communication between musicians fromdifferent parts of the world?› On Location/Roskilde Festival World Music Award146

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