WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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CO n f e r e n c eBios A – ZLemez Lovas (UK)Cultural consultant, artist, DJ, writer and producer; studiedliterature at Oxford University, music at Gnessin Institute,Moscow, and ethnomusicology at SOAS, London.Specialises in mixing and producing international artists;music from Europe, Middle East and former USSR;performs internationally with Yiddish Twist Orchestra andShtetl Superstars; loves herring. www.lemezandfridel.comEssay Writer › Network/Who’s Playing WhomChair › Conference/Session 17Janine Hélène Lubas (Germany)Head of the Client & Label Care department at finetunes,Janine Hélène Lubas is responsible for all clientcommunications and team coordination, additionallymanaging the key account jazz/classics/world. Afterhaving studied International Business and MediaManagement she was involved in the development ofradio.de, an international web radio aggregator.Mentor › Conference/Mentoring Sessions A – ZKerstan Mackness (UK)He is a partner in Riotsquad Publicity, one of the UK’sleading alternate music PR firms, with clients from RonnieScott to Blue Note. Riotsquad also handles publicity forthe Barbican’s contemporary music programme. He isalso the manager of ‘future-jazz’ stars Portico Quartet,signed to Real World Records.Mentor › Conference/Mentoring Sessions A – ZDavid McLoughlin (Ireland/Brazil)Based in São Paulo, David McLoughlin is managerof the BM&A, the local export office. He has beenworking in the Brazilian music industry for the past20 years, actively promoting and selling the country’smusic worldwide, as well as locally.Speaker › Conference/Session 14Sigbjørn Nedland (Norway)Master of Arts in Philology, University of Oslo, in 1977.Music producer and presenter for radio programmes andconcerts, and producer of several CD recordings. Authorof books, drama and song lyrics. Project leader and artisticleader for international cross-cultural projects, and fordevelopment projects in Africa. Chairperson of EBU WorldMusic Workshop.Coordinator › On Location/<strong>WOMEX</strong> Radio StudioDaycase Presenter, Thursday 14:15 › Showcases/Artists A – Z: Shunsuke Kimura x Etsuro OnoTeresa Patterson (New Zealand)She has worked in the music industry for nearly twodecades, starting as a Marketing and Label Manager forPolygram Records, Polydor/A&M and Virgin Music. For thelast 10 years, she has worked at CRS Music Managementfor a range of artists, from hip-hop to rock to roots/dub topop, independent to major, assuring immediate reactionson the fast changing market. www.crsmanagement.co.nzSpeaker › Conference/Session 16Katerina Pavlakis (Greece/UK)Trained as an ethnomusicologist in Berlin but gotentangled early on with backstage life. She was amember of the original <strong>WOMEX</strong> team and a radioproducer. Now based in London, she runs KAPAProductions, dedicated to international touring and artistmanagement. She lives with four cats and a dog.Award MC, Sunday 12:00 › On Location/<strong>WOMEX</strong> AwardsJordan Peimer (USA)Vice-President of Public Programs at Skirball CulturalCenter, Los Angeles, overseeing the production of some200 public programs annually. He was previously Co-Director at Highways Performance Space and past Chairof the National Performance Network. He sat on theConseil Artistique of the Rencontres ChorégraphiquesInternationales de Seine-Saint-Denis.Chair › Conference/Session 4Maarten Quaghebeur (Belgium)He works at the Belgian music management companyRockoco, which manages 12 Belgian artists worldwide.Maarten is also President of the Belgian Music ManagersFederation and organises festivals including Boomtown,Feest in het Park and a new showcase festival, Glimps, inGhent. www.rockoco.beSpeaker › Conference/Session 16Julien ‘Soupa Ju’ Queysanne (France)He was on stage as an MC for the founding of WatchaClan in 1998, but also represents the band with its own‘association’ Vai La Bott Recordings. In 2006, he movedhis talents away from the spotlight to the obscurity ofmanagement. Soupa Ju met the independent Berlinlabel Piranha and began networking all around Europe,Maghreb and the USA. With his collective they bring theirunderground project to a professional music production.A family affair!Mentor › Conference/Mentoring Sessions A – ZCornelia Rost (Germany)Music journalist for 30 years. For 23 years editor, producerand presenter for world music at the cultural channel, hr2kultur, of Hessischer Rundfunk, a public radio based inFrankfurt, where she created a weekly radio show dealingwith world music in all its facets and themes. One of herpreferences is Persian music.Daycase Presenter, Saturday 13:00› Showcases/Artists A – Z: Mohammad Reza MortazaviVecdi Sayar (Turkey)Journalist-writer, film critic, stage designer, consultant;Artistic Director of Pera Fest, a multidisciplinary arts festivalin Istanbul; President of the Association for InterculturalCommunication and Interdisciplinary Art. Worked asCounsellor of Minister of Culture, Director of TurkishCinematheque, programme director of various festivalsand Member of the Executive Board of Istanbul 2010European Capital of Culture.Daycase Presenter, Friday 13:00› Showcases/Artists A – Z: Özlem TanerMartin Schaefer (Germany)Lawyer, Dr. jur. Since the early 1990s, Dr. Schaefer hasbeen working for German recording industry associations.In 2001, he moved to BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group)before leaving the company at the beginning of 2004 inorder to join the intellectual property law firm Boehmert& Boehmert, Berlin. He specialises in copyright law anddeals frequently with collecting society issues.Chair › Conference/Session 9Bettina Schasse de Araujo (Germany)General Director of Piranha Musik and responsible forstrategic development of Piranha IT. She holds a diplomain Cultural and Media Management plus a Master inForeign Language Philology, Sociology and AmericanStudies. In the ‘90s she worked in film production, gainingextensive experience in resolving synchronisation rightsfor major film productions, before joining Piranha whereshe developed the metadata-based search site forPiranha’s online music catalogue.Speaker › Conference/Session 2Bernard Schmidt (France/USA)Born in France, moved to New York in 1984 wherehe produced worldwide and North American toursfor numerous international artists. He holds artsmanagement degrees from ESCP Europe andNew York University.Mentor › Conference/Mentoring Sessions A – ZIain Scott (UK)He began mail-ordering ‘acoustic music from around theworld’ in 1983, an activity which mutated into the recordlabel Triple Earth, releasing albums from Hukwe Zawose(1985), Cheb Khaled (1986), Najma (1987), Aster Aweke(1989) and many more. Now working with long-timefriends at Sterns and no longer full of bullshit – well, mostof the time anyway.Speaker › Conference/Session 20Quinton Scott (UK)Founder and A&R of Strut Records. Scott is responsiblefor a diverse range of projects documenting the historyof disco, funk, soul, afrobeat and old skool hip-hop. Nowowned by !K7 in Berlin, Strut has more recently forgeda reputation for helping to build the careers of variousmusic legends, including Ethio-jazz bandleader MulatuAstatke, Ghanaian highlife guitarist Ebo Taylor andMotown guitarist Dennis Coffey, through progressivenew studio albums and well packaged back cataloguereissues.Speaker › Conference/Session 20Shain Shapiro (Canada/UK)UK and EU manager of CIMA, the Canadian IndependentMusic Association, operating the de-facto export entityfor Europe. It also produces Europe-wide showcasesunder the banner ‘Canadian Blast’.Chair › Conference/Session 14Robert Singerman (USA)He is a music business pioneer: developing artists(Fela, Gipsy Kings, King Sunny Ade, REM, James Brown,Suzanne Vega, Sun Ra, Professor Longhair, etc.), export(North American Director European Music Office,French Music Export Office – now at Brasil MusicExchange), launching solutions with partners trans -lating lyrics/meta-data to sell songs across languagesfocusing on China, Brazil.Speaker › Conference/Session 2CO n f e r e n c eBios A – Z156157

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