WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide

WOMEX 11 Guide


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<strong>WOMEX</strong> PhotographersWWW.MONDOMIX.COMMONDOMIX atDiscover our daily webcastand The <strong>WOMEX</strong> TVMusic, cinema, literature, travel, events, reportsExperience the world with MondomixSelection of best <strong>WOMEX</strong> showcases filmed everynightby Mondomix and available the following dayon Mondomix.com and <strong>WOMEX</strong> TVmondomix print magthe highest circulation free music magazine in France (100 000 copies)mp3.mondomix.comover 200,000 world music tracksproductions & publicationsTV documentaries, books, Dvds ...20<strong>11</strong>Here are the three brave ones who will be up night andday to catch the very best and most special momentsof the final <strong>WOMEX</strong> in Copenhagen. Their work will beposted daily on their websites and anyone needingphotos can contact them directly to discuss terms.Check out their portfolios for current and past workand come visit their Trade Fair booth D.10.A selection of their photos will also be made availablein small size on the <strong>WOMEX</strong> Flickr page under a CC-BYcreative common license which lets others distributethese photos free of charge, as long as they credit thephotographers for the original creation.www.flickr.com/photos/womex© Jacob CrawfurdJacob Crawfurd(Denmark)Mobile: +45 407 370 79jacob@crawfurd.comwww.crawfurd.com/enJacob Crawfurd works as a freelance photographer withinpress, business, music and portrait photography. He hasexecuted many music portraits and band photos and hasa large archive of concert images from the world, jazzand rock scenes. Stemming from his personal interests,he primarily directs his lens towards bands, concerts andcultural activities. Jacob’s passion for Africa has takenhim to the continent on several assignments and he isalso involved in arranging and promoting African-relatedevents in Denmark.© Ron BeenenEric van Nieuwland(The Netherlands)Mobile: +31 610 934 495eric@thedigitalphotoexperience.nlwww.thedigitalphotoexperience.nl/music.htmlA Dutch photographer with a main interest in live musicphotography (world, jazz and classical). Besides musicphotography, he also does portraits and reportages forbusiness companies. His pictures have also been used inseveral (photo) books. Eric has been an Official <strong>WOMEX</strong>Photographer for the past two years. Organisations asMCN Music Center The Netherlands, <strong>WOMEX</strong>, North SeaRound Town and many artists have hired him for his livephotography.© Eric van NieuwlandKenan Zonnema(The Netherlands)Mobile: +31 654 396 942info@kleurenvanholland.nlwww.kleurenvanholland.nlA portrait and news photographer from the Netherlands.After studying journalism he decided to switch jobs; hispassion for photography, however, he took with him. At17, Kenan had the idea to ‘freeze’ the beautiful colours hesaw everywhere. He bought a second-hand Canon AE1and has not stopped taking pictures since. Snapshotsbecame moments of fun, pictures became real photos forlocal newspapers and magazines... Together with Eric vanNieuwland he discovered a new passion: documentingthe sound of world music.o n lo c at i o nWomeX PhotographersMondomix BtoB >Advertising Agency - Digital Music Distribution - Web Agency63

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