1943 - National Labor Relations Board

1943 - National Labor Relations Board

1943 - National Labor Relations Board


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IN/THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT IN PRACTICE:UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE CASESSections 7 and 8 of the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Labor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Act provide, ineffect, that employees shall be free to engage in concerted activities, toorganize themselves, and to bargain collectively through representativesof their own choosing, and that employers shall not interferewith employees in their exercise of those rights. More specifically,Section 8 makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer to interferewith, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteedin Section 7; to dominate or interfere with the formation oradministration of any labor organization or to contribute financialor other support to it; to encourage or discourage membership inany labor organization by discriminating in regard to the hire ortenure of employment of employees or any term or condition of theiremployment, except that an employer may under certain circumstancesagree with a labor organization to require membership thereinas a condition of employment; to discriminate against an employeebecause he has filed charges or given testimony under the Act; or torefuse to bargain collectively with the duly designated representativesof the employees in an appropriate unit.The <strong>Board</strong>'s Seventh Annual Report, covering the fiscal year 1942,gave a general outline of the fundamental principles established by the]<strong>Board</strong>'s decisions in unfair labor practice cases. Since then, the<strong>Board</strong> has issued a substantial number of additional decisions in suchcases, although their proportiOn in the <strong>Board</strong>'s work has continued todecrease. The details of these decisions issued during the fiscal year<strong>1943</strong> may be obtained by referring to the analytical digest-index ineach of the volumes of the <strong>Board</strong>'s Decisions and Orders. Followingis a more general discussion of the trends and developments in the<strong>Board</strong>'s unfair labor practice cases during the last fiscal year.INTERFERING WITH, RESTRAINING, OR COERCING EMPLOYEES IN THEEXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY THE ATSince the Act has been in operation for more than 8 years, it is notsurprising that many of the unfair labor practice cases coming beforethe <strong>Board</strong> present no new or startling techniques of interference with558154-44--3 27

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