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TecHnoLoGy - Broadband Properties

TecHnoLoGy - Broadband Properties


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TELEHEALTHa central station for emergency responseand notification or to a portal that familymembers can access on a regular oras-needed basis. From a campus connectionlike a senior living community,a nursing station can provide the monitoringand management of the data anddistribute it as needed.In communities where wireless coverageis ubiquitous, emergency responsetechnologies can track wandering or“man down” problems within a fewmeters. These applications can also betracked on mobile devices so that familymembers are never out of touch.Steeplechase looks for cutting-edgeapplications to serve this market andworks with proven telehealth partnersto continue to broaden the offerings anddeepen the end-user experience. Otherservices in development or recent deploymentinclude videoconferencing betweenpatients in their homes and physiciansin their offices for medical andpsychological consultations. In additionto eliminating tedious visits to the emergencyroom and long delays in waitingrooms, these services allow distant familymembers to “attend” virtually as wellas providing for the easy and accurateexchange of information. As health careproviders develop care plans for patients,family members can participate, understand,and actively support next stepsbecause of their active and engaged rolein the process.Is monitored living an Orwelliannightmare? The people who are usingit don’t feel that it is. For many seniorsand their families, health monitoringexpands choices and adds significantlyto their peace of mind. In fact, decisionmakers are placing the level of connectivityand available services high on theirchecklist of requirements for a home orsenior community. What used to be a“feature” is now a necessity in the eyesof those who are committed to independence,care and communication.Steeplechase Networks looks for communitiesthat want to differentiate themselvesby connecting residents with theservices they need. Fiber networks demonstratea commitment on the part of adeveloper or a community to meet theneeds and desires of residents today withthe capacity to sustain the needs and desiresof tomorrow. Steeplechase providesmarketing services, back-shop support,and ongoing maintenance to help thesecommunities achieve their business andprogram goals. You need to build theright bridges and deliver the right contentto cross this generation gap.About the AuthorMary Farley is the Operations & PlanningExecutive for Steeplechase Networks Inc.,an applications and content delivery companyfor broadband networks. She previouslyworked as a regional director of oneof the largest senior living providers in theUS. She may be reached at 413-429-4166or by e-mail at mfarley@scnets.com. Formore information on Steeplechase Networks,visit www.scnets.com.July 2008 | www.broadbandproperties.com | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | 93

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