TecHnoLoGy - Broadband Properties

TecHnoLoGy - Broadband Properties

TecHnoLoGy - Broadband Properties


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SERVICE MANAGEMENTOptimizing the <strong>Broadband</strong>Experience – in Real TimeIf subscribers aren’t getting the service levels they expect, can you tellthem why? Xangati can.A BBP Staff Reports providers introduce advancedservices over theirnetworks, customers’ expectationsrise accordingly.<strong>Broadband</strong> subscribers expect speedydownloads. Video subscribers expectgreat picture quality. Voice subscribersexpect conversations without annoyingpauses or echoes. And when subscribersdon’t get what they expect, they’re quickto call tech support.But providers’ technical support repsdon’t always have the necessary tools tosolve service problems. It’s difficult todetermine why a broadband connectionhas slowed to a crawl, for example.Has a neighbor availed herself of thesubscriber’s WiFi connection? Or is thesubscriber’s own computer running programshe isn’t aware of? Typically thesupport rep asks a few basic questions,then escalates the problem to a networkengineer – who must generally start overfrom square one, and who may not havean easy time diagnosing the problem,either. Even sending a truck out to thesubscriber’s house doesn’t always producethe desired results.“Only the desperate and the bravecall,” says David Messina, marketingVP at Xangati, a startup company thathopes to make customer support encountersmore satisfying for service providersand customers alike. “But you want usersto end the call with something beingachieved. It’s not a good place for serviceproviders to be.”first product in 2007 – an appliancethat sits on the service provider’s networkand gathers detailed informationfrom the routers about the applicationsthat each subscriber is using. (ThoughXangati doesn’t install hardware or softwareat the customer premises, the appliancemaintains a fixed identity for eachsubscriber even in the absence of fixedIP addresses.) The company originallyconceived of its appliance as a troubleshootingtool for network engineers andnetwork operations staff. It would collectbaseline information to establish normalbehavior for each network element, subscriberand application, and then sendalerts to network operators whenever behaviorfell outside of normal parameters.Visibility at the Subscriber LevelXangati, a privately held company basedin Cupertino, California, launched itsThis Xangati output screen shows bandwidth use by type of service.94 | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | www.broadbandproperties.com | July 2008

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