2006-07 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2006-07 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2006-07 College Catalog - South Florida State College

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5HWXUQWR6HFWLRQ0HQX* It may be necessary to first enroll in a lower level English,Math, or reading course.** It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the program manageror counselor to select the proper course to fulfill thisrequirement.*** Check the course descriptions for prerequisites.# Graduates of the SFCC Network Support Services occupationalprogram will have this course articulated directly intothe program.## While any course in Computer Science or Networking Technologies,and several courses in Electronics will fulfill thisrequirement, it is recommended that students consider takingPC Hardware/Operating Systems which provide preparationfor the CompTIA’s A+ certification.Networking Electives:CET 1685C Fundamentals of Network Security 3CET 1686C Intermediate Network Security 3CET 1854C Fundamentals of Wireless Networking 3CET 2144C Microcomputer Systems & Hardware(A+ Certification) 4CET 2793 Windows Network Infrastructure 3CET 2796 Designing Security for a MicrosoftWindows Network 3CET 2797 Designing a Windows NetworkInfrastructure 3COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGCOLLEGE CREDIT CERTIFICATEProgram Code: 3020Description of Program: The Computer Programming certificateprepares the student as an entry-level programmerin the microcomputer environment. A variety of programminglanguages, software applications, and networkingcourses are available, so the student may individualize theprogram depending on personal interest and future employment.Hands-on computer experience is emphasizedthroughout the program.Length: One (1) year (33 credit hours)Prefix Number Course Name Cr. Hrs.FIRST YEARFirst TermOST 2335 Business Communications 3* MAC 1105<strong>College</strong> Algebra ORMTB 1103 Business Mathematics UsingSpreadsheets ORQMB 1001 Mathematics of Finance ORMGF 1106 Liberal Arts Mathematics I 3OST 1100C Intro to <strong>College</strong> Keyboarding 3CGS 1100C Intro. to Microcomputers Using Windows 312Second TermGEB 2430 Business Ethics 3** Programming/Applications Electives 1215Summer TermCGS 2565C Principles of Computer Info Systems 3* Programming/Applications Electives 36* MAC 1105 <strong>College</strong> Algebra or MGF 1106 Liberal Arts Mathmay be substituted.** At least nine (9) elective hours must be COP (computerprogramming) courses.Programming Electives:COP 2170C Principles of Computer Programming 3COP 2224 Introduction to C++ Programming 3COP 2810 Programming for the Internet 3Advanced Programming Electives: (at least 3 COP creditsmust be among the following courses)COP 2171C Advanced Programming Techniques 3COP 2228 Advanced C++ Programming 3COP 2250 Java Programming 3Applications and Other Electives:ACG 2450C Accounting for the Microcomputer 3CET 2144 Microcomputer Systems & Hardware(A+ Certification) 4CET Networking courses 3CGS 2510C Intro. to Spreadsheets 3CGS 2760 Fundamentals of Unix 3CGS 2820 Introduction to Web Design 3CIS 2930 Selected Topics in Computer Science 1-4CIS 2949 Co-op Ed. Training Assignment inComputer & Information Systems 1-4ETD 1320C Computer Aided Drafting I 3GRA 1100 Introduction to Computer Graphics 3GRA 1156 Computer Design I 3GRA 1157 Computer Design II 3OST 1713C Word Processing - MS Word 3OST 1811C Introduction to MS Publisher 1NETWORK SUPPORT SERVICESOCCUPATIONAL CERTIFICATEProgram Code: 3370Description of Program: This program is designed to preparestudents for employment as Network Support HelpDesk, Network Support Specialist, Network Administrator,and to provide continuing workforce development for personspreviously or currently employed in any of these occupations.As a CISCO Networking Academy, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community<strong>College</strong> is partnering with CISCO Systems, Incorporatedto provide a broad foundation of knowledge and skillsto prepare students for employment in network support servicespositions. The course content is designed to trainstudents to design, build, and maintain sophisticated computernetworks. They will study and learn to build networksfrom the ground up, beginning with network design, propercable installation techniques, connecting and configuring101

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