MOL GROUP Annual Report

MOL GROUP Annual Report

MOL GROUP Annual Report

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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Mr. József Molnár (55)Member of the Board of Directors since 12th October 2007.Group Chief Financial Officer since 3rd September, 2004.From 1978 to 2001, Mr Molnar held various management positions at BorsodChem Plc, including Head of Pricing Departmentfrom 1982 to 1987, and Head of Controlling Department from 1987 to 1991. Between 1991 and 2001, as Chief FinancialOfficer and first deputy to the CEO, he contributed to the crisis management and reorganisation of the company, and laterto the creation of its vision, and subsequent privatisation. He played a key role in the stock exchange listing of BorsodChemshares. He was CEO of TVK between 2001 and 2003, and <strong>MOL</strong> Group Planning & Controlling Director until his appointmentas Group CFO in September 2004. Between 2004 and 2008 he was a Board member of SLOVNAFT a. s. Since April 2001, hehas been a Board member of TVK, and he is also a member of INA Supervisory and Audit Committee since April 2010.8. Mr. György Mosonyi (61)Group CEO and member of the Board of Directors since 19th July, 1999.Chairman of the Sustainable Development Committee.Chairman of the Board of Directors of TVK Plc.From 1974 onwards, he worked for the Hungarian Agency of Shell International Petroleum Co. and from 1986 he held theposition of commercial director. In 1991 he worked at Shell headquarters, London. Between 1992-93 he was managingdirector of Shell-Interag Ltd and between 1994-1999 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Shell Hungary Plc. Duringthis period he became Chairman of Shell’s Central & East European Region and CEO of Shell Czech Republic in 1998. Vicechairmanof the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce & Industry., vice president of Confederation of Hungarian Employers andIndustrialists.9. Dr. László Parragh (48)Member of the Board of Directors from 29th April, 2010.Member of the Sustainable Development Committee.From 1989 Chairman of the Parragh Trade and Holding Ltd. From 1993 member of the Presidium of the Confederationof Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ), between 1994-2000 Vice President. Member of the AdvisoryCommittee for Economic Affairs of the Prime Minister between 1998-2002. Since 2000 President of the Hungarian Chamberof Commerce and Industry, between 2003-2010 Vice President of GYSEV Plc. Since 2009 Chairman of KAVOSZ GarantiqaPlc. and the Economic and Social Council. Between 2002-2010 Board of Directors’ membership in MEHIB Ltd, EXIM BankPlc, GYESEV Plc. Since 2010 member of the Board of Directors of MALEV. Since 2003 Chairman of the Supervisory Boardof KA-VOSZ Financial Services Trading Close Co. Since 2009 Honorary Professor of the Budapest Business School and theUniversity of West Hungary.10. Mr. Iain Paterson (63)Member of the Board of Directors since 24th February, 1999.Member of the Finance and Risk management Committee and the Sustainable Development Committee.From 1970 onwards, he held various positions at British Petroleum Plc in Great Britain, USA and the Middle East. Between1984 and 1998, he was with Enterprise Oil Plc, serving from 1991 as a Main Board member with responsibility for internationalactivities. He is currently also Chairman of ITE Group Plc, Chairman of AnTech Limited and Chairman of Plebble LoyaltyLimited Mr. Paterson is a British citizen.11. Dr. Martin Roman (41)Member of the Board of Directors from 29th April, 2010.Member of the Corporate Governance and Remuneration CommitteeMartin Roman started his professional career as sales director of the Czech branch of Wolf Bergstrasse; in 1994 he becameCEO of Janka Radotín, where he was appointed Chairman of the Board after the entry of a strategic partner, the US companyLENNOX. Between 2000 and 2004 he restructured a traditional Czech mechanical engineering company, becoming Chairmanand CEO of the new ŠKODA HOLDING. Since February 2004, Mr. Roman has been the Chairman of the Board and CEO ofČEZ, a. s.Besides his membership in CEZ and <strong>MOL</strong> Boards, Mr. Roman is also Member of the Supervisory Board of the Prague StockExchange, Member of the Board of Directors of Akenerji Elektrik Üretim A.S.; Vice President of the Confederation of Industryand Transport of the Czech Republic (he served as Member of the Supervisory Board of Czech Railways in 2007-2009). In2010 he became Member of the Supervisory Board of VIG (Vienna Insurance Group). In addition, Mr. Roman is a member ofgoverning or supervisory bodies in several foundations and academic institutions. He is a Czech citizen.Board of Directors228 <strong>MOL</strong> Group annual report 2010 229

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