E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf


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Chapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 COD Fractions4.1.1Regular Mode COD FractionsInfluent data for the regular mode (Table 3.4) were entered into the influent specifier (see Appendix Ifor complete data set) and COD fractions were calculated by the influent specifier (see Figure 4.1).Notable differences between default and calculated values include the readily biodegradable COD(RBCOD) fraction (F bs ) and the acetate fraction (F ac ) . The calculated RBCOD fraction was nearly 2.5times the default value while the calculated acetate fraction is only 37% of the default value. Also, thecalculated non-colloidal slowly biodegradable fraction (F xsp ) was only one third of the default value. Thecalculated fractions of unbiodegradable soluble COD (F us ), unbiodegradable particulate COD (F up ),ammonia (F na ) and phosphate (F po4 ) were slightly less than the default values.Figure 4.10- Influent specifier COD fractions page for regular mode (EnviroSim, 2010)4.1.2 BNR-S1 mode COD FractionsCOD influent data for the BNR-S1 mode (Appendix I, Table AI.2) were entered into the influent specifierand COD fractions were calculated by the influent specifier (see Figure 4.2). Values of the fractions weresimilar to the regular mode with the most notable deviations from default values being the highcalculated RBCOD (F bs ) and acetate (F ac ) values as compared with the default values. The calculated noncolloidalslowly biodegradable COD (F xsp ) was significantly less than the default value. The fractions ofunbiodegradable soluble COD (F us ), unbiodegradable particulate COD (F up ), and ammonia (F na ) wereslightly less than the default values while phosphate (F po4 ) was slightly greater than default values.42

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