E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf


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Effluent characteristics for BNR-S1 mode with calibrated simulator parameters are given in Table 4.7. Allsimulator effluent parameters fall within 20% error of observed values with one exception, NH 3 -N whichhas an error of -21.8%. However, this is only a difference of 0.3 mg/L.Table 4.7- BNR-S1 mode effluent quality for calibrated simulator parametersTSS pH cBOD TN NH 3-N NO 2 - -N NO 3 - -N TP COD F. CODObserved 7.9 6.9 - 6.6 1.4 1.3 2.6 1.5 - 29.3Calibrated 8.2 7.0 4.1 6.9 1.1 1.2 2.3 1.5 42.9 32.9% deviation 3.8 2.1 4.7 -21.6 -8.8 -11.6 2.7 Evaluation BNR-S2 with BNR-S1 Calibrated ParametersTable 4.8 compares observed effluent characteristics with predicted effluent characteristics usingdefault simulator parameter values for the BNR-S2 mode. Significant deviations were found for effluentNH 3 -N, NO 2 — N, NO 3 — N, and TP.Table 4.8- BNR-S2 (20.1 o C) mode default effluent qualityTSS pH cBOD TN NH 3-N NO 2 - -N NO 3 - -N TP COD F. CODObserved (mg/L) 4.7 7.2 - 3.5 0.8 0.8 1.9 1.6 - 35Default (mg/L) 5.2 7.0 2.5 3.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 44.9 38.0% deviation 10.2 -2.1 -8.1 -45.8 -45.4 -89.1 -89.2 8.5sum absolute value % deviation = 298Table 4.10 compares observed effluent characteristics with predicted effluent characteristics using BNR-S1 calibrated simulator parameter values for the BNR-S2 mode. Significant deviations were found foreffluent TSS, TN, NH 3 -N, NO 2 — N, NO 3 — N, and TP. These results indicate that calibrated BNR-S1 simulatorparameters increase deviation between observed and predicted values over default simulatorparameter values. The sum absolute value of percent deviation increases from 298 for default simulatorparameter values to 516 for BNR-S1 calibrated simulator parameter values.Table 4.9- BNR-S2 (20.1 o C) mode calibrated effluent qualityTSS pH cBOD TN NH 3-N NO 2 - -N NO 3 - -N TP COD F. CODObserved 4.7 7.2 - 3.5 0.8 0.8 1.9 1.6 - 35BNR-S1 mode calibration 7.6 7.1 2.9 5.2 2.3 0.6 0.1 0.3 48.1 37.9% deviation 62.0 -2.0 49.6 186.3 -30.0 -94.3 -83.2 8.3sum absolute value % deviation = 516Tables 4.9 compares observed effluent characteristics with predicted effluent characteristics usingdefault simulator parameter values for the BNR-S2 (colder) mode. Significant deviations were found foreffluent TSS, TN, NH 3 -N, NO 2 — N, NO 3 — N, and TP.61

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