E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf

E-Andrew Sindt Creative Component S11.pdf


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include 24-hour composite samples taken over a two week period and analyzed for an array ofwastewater parameters. Examples of wastewater parameters to analyze include influent COD, filteredCOD, flocculated and filtered COD, cBOD 5 , filtered cBOD 5 , VSS, TSS, TKN, NH 3 -N, NO 3 — N, Total P, solublereactive P, and alkalinity as well as effluent filtered COD. Grab samples should also be taken on anhourly or bi-hourly basis during the same two week sample collection period (Melcer et al., 2003).4.2 Sensitivity Analysis4.2.1 Regular mode Sensitivity AnalysisThe sensitivity data was analyzed on two levels. First, the percent variation in effluent parametersbetween the adjusted simulator parameter run and the default simulator parameter run were calculatedand graphed. Next, the predicted effluent parameter values for each simulation run in which asimulation parameter was adjusted were compared to the observed effluent parameter values and thepercent error was calculated and graphed for each. Ordinary Heterotrophic Organism (OHO) YieldThe heterotrophic yield is the mass of biomass produced (g) per mass of substrate consumed (g). Morespecifically, the BioWin user manual describes OHO yield as the, “Amount of biomass COD producedusing one unit of readily biodegradable complex substrate COD. The remaining COD is oxidized”(EnviroSim, 2010). Substrate (i.e., carbon source) can be used by microorganisms for biomassproduction (synthesis) or for energy to feed metabolism (see Figure 4.3). Aerobic microorganismmetabolism requires oxygen input which serves as the terminal electron acceptor in the energyproducing chemical reactions. Cell synthesis requires energy and carbon but also requires nutrientssuch as N and P. These nutrients are taken from the soluble wastewater substrate and incorporatedinto the newly formed cells. When the biomass is wasted, the nutrients contained in the cells areremoved from the tank. Consider the formula C 12 H 87 O 23 N 12 P as representative of biomass. This means12.2g of nitrogen and 2.3 g of phosphorus are required for every 100 g of biomass produced(Tchobanoglous et al., 2003). A higher yield value means that the biomass produces a greater amountof new cells per gram substrate, and thereby consumes more nutrients per gram substrate consumed.Conversely, when the yield value is reduced, fewer nutrients will be required per gram substrate utilizedbecause fewer new cells are being produced. The substrate is instead consumed for metabolism ratherthan for cell synthesis.Figure 4.3 - Heterotrophic bacteria metabolism (adapted from Tchobanoglous et al., 2003)44

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