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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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Nova Scotia, Gaspe Peninsula and QuebecCity after attending her 50th reunion in1965. In October they Hew to Mexico Cityand toured Mexico, Yucatan and Guatemala.Saw the marvelous Maya ruins-toweringpyramids and temples laid up of hugeblocks of stone carved with Hint knives andtransported without benefit of wheel orbeast of burden, one 23 stories high. InApril they took Caribbean cruise, also exploringadventure along the Gulf in NorthwestFlorida where they identified 84 speciesof birds.Miriam Dennis Anderson suffered a badfall which broke her right shoulder andarm and kept her from attending her 50threunion in 1965. In August, while still aninvalid, she Hew to Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvaniaand West Virginia and visited herfour children. She really has determination.\Ve send our deepest sympathy to MaryWhitmore YOllllg whose husband, Jack, diedin Murch after a long illness. She is nowliving at 3858 West 242nd Street, Apt. A,Torrance, California-not far from her son.My thanks to Alma Burnworth, LettieDent Gotlgil, Margaret Gailey Bosworth,Georgia Williams Fooks, and Edna MayberrySadler for answering my cards eventhough they had no news for the magazine.I loved hearing from them. I wish everyonewould use the return card.1927Mrs. William P. Grace, Jr.(Bess Hayman)59 South Aberdeen StreetArlington, Virginia 22204The response to my SOS for news hasbeen tremendous. Twenty-four replies havebeen received, cards, letters, and telephonecalls.Herbert (Herb) Nichols is teaching in theLincoln Schools, Lincoln, Delaware. Alreadyhe is planning to return for our reunion in1967.Velmll Riclnrumd- Albright is a very busyperson. In addition to her civic and church~~lil~ti:h;s s~:ar~~ ~e1~~m:~d o~l~uda~~~~e~:Ann, will graduate from college in Junc.She will marry John Thomas Taylor. TheAlbrights have n married son who lives inCincinnati. A twenty-month-old grandsoncompletes their family.Joy C. Reinmuth flies from Baltimore onJune 17 for Vienna, Austria. She will tourthe Scandinavian Countries, Spain and Portngnl,Tangiers in Africa, and Scotland. Ifpossible she plans to include a short trip toIreland.Sadie (Teet) Rosenstock Weinstock andNate sold their Westminster business in1965. They .~pend most of their time inSurfside, Florida.Louise (Weese) Luglelett Johnson hasretired from the brokerage business. Nowshe has time to enjoy her lovely home nearCambridge, Maryland.MirJnie \VaTrerJ continues to work on herbook, "Writers of the Eastern Shore." Sheis living in Snow Hill, Maryland.Jolm F. Wooden was at Stephen DecaturHigh School, Berlin, in March. He wasChairman of the Middle States EvaluationCommitteeEstelle Essig Yingling teaches publicschool music in Walkersville, Jr.-Sr. HighSchool in Frederick County, Maryland.Virginill (Gimw) \V"ilso" Shockley writesthat their Nancy is in St. Louis and Wilmaat the University of Maryland.Miriam (Mims) Royer Brickctt and Cerryvisited the Shockleys while attending thetennis matches in Salisbury. Mlms has consentedto make our 1967 reunion arrangements.I ani sure she would welcome volunteersto help her.Mildred (Millie) Eigen Houston is secretaryof the Wicomico County WMCAlumni Association.De Hoff Clyde lives six miles west ofEllicott City, near Pine Orchard and theEnchanted Forest. He is now retired. Hedoes gardening in his spare time. Also hewrote that he had just recently learned ofthe passing of HllTold Harshman last August.Dr. James M. McMillan is practicing in~~ditf~u7~;'

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