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Hopkins TakesLast GameBasketball team members include, left to right: first row-Larry Suder, JimReck, Gary Fass, Mike Baker, Bill Dudley; second row-Coach Clower, SkipShear, Gary Shapiro, Greg Getty, Sam Leishure, junior varsity coach; thirdrow-Jerry Wolf, Dick Eigen, Ralph Wilson, Joe Smothers, Mike Kroe.STRONG SQUAD SEENPre-season experts are predicting that basketballcoach Richard Clower will be directinga stronger squad than last year'swhich posted a highly respectable 14-8record. Coach Clower, while making no suchpredictions, does admit that a wealth offreshman talent has suddenly come to Gillgymnasium.A strong nucleus returns with high scoringSkip Shear leading the way. Skip is a juniorand scored 479 points last year for a gameaverage of 21.8. Also returning is slick shootingDick Eigen who suffered a rash of injurieslast year but is now in top form. Thethird veteran to return is big, hustling RalphWilson who comes from Mount Savage.Ralph is only a sophomore, stands 6' 4", ledthe team in rebounding, and was second inscoring. He is a reliable mao. Other returninglettermen arc Mike Kroe, the varsity'sbiggest man who stands 6' 5" and weighs205 pounds, and spunky Jim Heck, a seniorfrom Westminster.Some of last year's junior varsity squadwill be dressing for both junior varsity andvarsity contests. They are Cary Fass, RickCoburn and Jerry Wolf.The freshmen mentioned earlier will bemoving into varsity uniforms. They include1I1ikeBaker, the shortest man on the squadwho was an all-city choice at Lafayette HighSchool in Brooklyn. He may be starting ata guard position. Joe Smothers, a tall andalert all-star center from Baltimore, will seeplenty of action. Another freshman withstrong potential is Larry Suder who receivedHonorable Mention All-American recognitionat Valley High, Lonaconing, where he playedguard. Other helpfuls are Cary Shapiro,Creg Getty and William Dudley.This year's schedule includes two gamesat the Baltimore Civic Center (Towson College,December 16, and Washington College,January 6) and participation in the BridgewaterChristmas Tournament to be heldDecember 29 and 30.The 1965 version of Western Marylandfootball came to a close on November 20with an upset defeat at the hands of rivalJohns Hopkins University. The Terrors' seasonrecord was 3 wins and 6 losses.For new mentor Ron Jones, it was a disappointingseason as well as a valuable onein terms of experience, learning and relearning."My only regret," said Jones, "is thatwe had such n fine, fine group of boys but,;ouldn't manage a winning season"Following the opening loss to highly ratedWagner, the gridders returned to Hoffa Fieldwhere they defeated Pennsylvania MilitaryAcademy 14-7 and Lycoming College 19-13on Homecoming. During these two weeks,Creen Terror fans saw the birth of a star infreshman halfback Jerry Barga. He displayedsuperb running and punting abilityand led the team in scoring and rushingwith 26 points and 490 yards in 105 carriesfor a 4.7 average gain. He did not play thelnst two games due to a head injury.In Death Valley, Virginia, time ran out ona fourth quarter Terror rally as Hampden-Sydney beat our squad 15-13. Traveling inVlrgtnia the following week, Western Marylandwon the season's most exciting gameover Washington and Lee. Grayson Winterling,Victor MoTeer and Paul McClintockpassed, tackled and kicked the gridmen backinto the winning column, 9-7. Paul Mc-Cttneock's 25-yard field goal with 1.35 rerrmintngtold the truth. The Terrors lost thenext four games to Randolph-Macon 13-8,~~~kl~~l~~~~~kf~s,4i4~6. Drexel Teeh 12-7,Offensively, the squad never produced theresults it was striving for nil season. Thebackfield was the fastest that Western Marylandhas seen in this decade but no leadercould be found. It should be pointed outthat no defeat (except the Dickinson drubbingand the Hopkins upset) was by morethan 7 points.Seniors who have closed their footballcurccrs nre: tri-captains, Rick (J. J.) White,Cary Kulick and Alan Ingalls; Charles Sohn,Art Lang, Russell Cook, John Trainor, BillFalkler, Paul McClintock, Jon Holthaus,Gerald Winegrad, .Ron Boone, GraysonWinterling, Ron Giesey, Roger Shipley,Bruce Knowles and Bob Basye.The brightest spot in the future footballpicture is the return of the backfield. Borga,Rryant Parker, John Markovich and Danal-I~seman are all returning. Coach JonesWill be I~king for some bigger linemen inhopes to increase the number of bruiserslike 240-pound Vic Mc'Teer and 225-poundJim King.Last year's high scorer was Skip Shear.pagefifteen

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