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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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along the first day, we had a Hat tire. It wasfascinating to see our driver get out, go overto a rubber tree along the roadside and cutits bark. He inserted a leaf and waited forthe rubber to drip onto the leaf. With thisraw rubber he glued a patch on the Hat tire,and off we wentl! No need to worry about aservice station being open here."To have faith is to have wings. Letus pray that all of us might have powerfulwings of faith."1962Mrs. James R. Cole (Judy King)173 David AvenueWestmInster, Maryland 21157Bob and Connie (Bames) Lloyd have anew address: 921 Magill Avenue, W. Collingswood,New Jersey 08100.David and Alice Littlefield announce thearrival of Christopher Brian on May 31.Ray Albert earned an M.S. degree in ManagementScience from Hopkins in June. Thisfall he will offer the first course at Wl\-1C incomputing and data processing.Ford ('61) and Linda (Reige/man) Deansend a new address: Route 2, Mechanics,ville, 20659.Barry Gross graduated from the UniversitySchool. Barry, Phyllis,of Maryland Dentaland Stephanec Lin (born on April 12) arestationed at San Diego with the Navy.Dean and Lea (Hackett) Hartman are theproud parents of Joy Vivian, born on July 15.Capt. Gary and Marian (Edwards) Parkerare at 3955 Lynn Ora Drive, Pensacola,Florida. Cary got back from Vietnam inApril and will now serve two years as aMarine flight instructor.Capt. Charles W. Snyder will be stationedat Patterson Army Hospital in Fort Monmouth,New Jersey, in November.Ron ('65), Sandy (Reed), and ShawnShirey moved to 5423 A Sartll Road, Baltimore6. Ron is with Household Finance indowntown Baltimore.Broadus and Peggy (McIntyre) Bowmanare now in Connecticut; 37 -D Salem DriveClastonb~'ry. Broadus works at CombustiOi;EngineerIng and Peggy teaches home economicsat Avon High School.Harry and Helen (Buehm) Crumpackerhav~ moved to 1506 Lemontree Lane, SilverSPrIng.It is with deep regret that 1 announce thesudden death of Bernard O. Rinehart. Berniewas married to Barbara HefJlin ('61).1963Miss Priscilla Arm OrdSergeant HallUniversity of Pennsylvania34th OIndChestnut StreetsPhiladelphia, PennsylvOlnia 19104Bannie Sheltorl married William EdwardShortall, June 20, 1964. After teaching for~wo y.ears, Bonnie presently works a asreehmeal Research Librarian for The WestinghouseDefense and Space Center ill Baltt,chemistry andmore. Her husband teachesphysics in Baltimore County.pagethirty-twoCerald Siegel received his M.A. in EnglishUniversity in Augustat Texas Christian1965. He currently teaches at St. Mary'sCollege in St. Marys City and attendsGeorge Washington University on a parttimebasis to continue work toward a Ph.D.Richard A. Miller graduated from WestVirginia Wesleyan in 1963. Since that timehe has been a student at the MethodistTheological School in Delaware, Ohio. Hemarried Nancy Lee Morris on May 31, 1965.The Millers spent this past summer inWclseley, Saskatchewan, where Richard didsummer field work for the United Churchof Canada.William and Judith Myers are tile proudparents of a baby boy, born March 9.Bill ('61) and Diane Leithiser Kerb!1iadded a new member to the family. LauraDiane was born March 20, and weighed7 lbs., 14~ oz.Ed Kelso married Edie Baumgardner onMarch 5. Ed attended a six months' courseat the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Schoolat Indianhead and is now stationed in Vietnamwith the Marine Corps.Pollianne (Curry) McClure, with her hus-~::t1y ';iv~~:ri:~lI:i~~~~r G~~~~r~~,.~:l~:~University of Tuebinganis studying at th~and writmg his dissertation in physics.Charles. Walter and Mara Dilson, '65,were married April 9, Summit, New Jersey.inCharlie is an Assistant Planner on thePlanning Board of Somerset County.Barbara and Tom 'Varner have returnedWashington from their tour at Ft. Hood.toTom is working for the George F. Warner~ompany in Washington, and the familyhves.in District Heights.Jerry and Sherry (Muir) Kidwell have anew addition to their family. Kirsten MuirKidwell was born April 7, weighing 6 lbs.,~ oz. Jerry received his Juris Doctor degreem Law from American University in Juneand is now a member of the Virginia BarAssociation.Wayne and C/lludia (Fetrow) Whitmorehave returned from the West Coast. Wayneleft the U.S.S. Turner JOI} in February and,after a two months' cruise course in Albuquerque,New Mexico, is currently stationedat the Navy's Clarksville Base, in Clarksville,library assistant atTennessee. Claudia is athe Austin Peay State College in Clarksville.Ellen Wheedleton is a staff assistant inorientation for new employees at AID.Lynn (Gooding) Henderson employed is asvocational rehabilitation counselor with theaVirginia Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.Lynn and her husband Charles becameparents] une 8, 1965. Charles Eric isalmost llI.Gri{lith HarriSon married Diane ElizabethDonovan on May 7. Griffith, who is a lieuten~ntin. the. Marine Corps, is currentlyst.-ltlOned m Vietnam as n pilotD~nise Dehne was married to Lt. Richard~ontmo, USAF, on May 14, at the St. wu.!Jam. of York Church, in Baltimore. TheContinos are stationed at Barksdale AFBShreveport, Louisiana. '

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