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infant in March, 1964. She is also vicepresidentof the faculty wives' club at GlassboroState, where Frank is assistant directorof admissions,William H, Brill is now assistant professorof political science at Georgetown Universityin Washington, D. C. Bill received his Ph.D.from the University of Pennsylvania and hasdone field research in Peru and Bolivia. Billis still single and lives at 4540 MacArthurBoulevard, \Vashington, D. C. Capt. andMrs. Edward L. (Lou) Fogler (Nan Bayliss,'54) returned from Europe in time for theclass reunion, While living in Munich theytraveled through England, France, Spain,Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Germany,Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands,and into Bcrlin. Lou is studying at Ft. Sill,Oklahoma, and Ft. Bliss, Texas, until March,1966. Write c/o Capt. and Mrs. Edward L.Fogler, 04035358, l.st Off. Stu. Btry., Ft.Sill, Oklahoma. Tom and Pat HamerslyChurch are happy to announce the birth ofJohn Hamersly Church on August 23, 1965.Other women in [ohn's life are Kathleen,6", and Joyce, 4. CQngratulations!Doris Galvin (ex-'57) told me of the recentdeath of Dean Helen Howery. I knowshe is sorely missed on the Hill and by allwhose lives she touched. I'll always rememberher informal seminars and the wafflesuppers; the stimulating conversations, thewit, the wisdom, the contagious enthusiasmshe possessed for literature and learningand life. One of my favorite memories is ofthe final exam I took while seated at alovely little antique table in her diningroom. The exam was on romantic poetrybut I don't remember what I wrote. ilooked out of the window once, and thesnow was pink in the afternoon sun andthe lilac trees were hare. 1 thought of howlucky we were to have known DeanHowery. She made literature come alivefor us. She gave us such mcmories. Shelives in them still ..195]Mrs. Peter Chiarenza (Joan Luckabaugh)15 North Penfield RoadEllicott City, Maryland 21043Some of the busiest people are those whotake the time to answer my cards. Won'taU of you do the same?Stan Wallock (M.Ed.) is very busy inwork. He teaches on the art faculty atartPaterson State College in Wayne, New Jersey,and is pursuing doctoral studies at NewYork University. Last summer he was electedl'()llncil member of the north section of theNew Jersey Art Education Association. Hewas also nominated as candidate for theBoard of Governors of the Institute for theStudy of Art Education at the Museum ofMocleru Art in New York City. Stan is nowworking on demonstrations to be presentedat the spring convention of the Eastern ArtsAssociation in Boston. New England teacherstake note,Fe/icily (Ti~'s) Fletcher Hl.Iile is also busywith first grader Lee and Rachel, 4, beingpresident of her homemakers club and keepinghouse for hcr equally busy husband inTowson.Phyllis Cole Eggert is a good advertisementfor California. Though once reluctantto live there, she loves it. Carl, a student atUCLA, broke his arm and lcg in the middleof vacation after nursing the swimming poolalong till he could use it.Paul Brodsky teaches junior high schoolhistory in Baltimore and is working on his1'.1 .Ed. at Loyola. He and Rona have twosons: Charles, 4, and Steven, 6 months,John and lo Ellen Outerbridge Mackinlive in Abington, Pennsylvania, with Kevin,6, Suzanne, 4, and Patrick, U;' John is assistantmanager for Continental AssuranceCompany in Philadelphia. They all spentthree weeks in Bermuda last summer visitingfamily, including Pat (Miskimoll, '49)and Henry Corrado, '50.Dot Clarke toured seven European countrieslast year with a faculty group, AdrianEnglish ('58) was a guest. Dot resignedher assistant professorship in Glassboro, NewJersey, to accept a grant from NationalInstitutes for Mental Health to continuework at University of Maryland in guidance.She is still active in music but missesteaching it full time.Richard A. Wilson of Mt. Airy receivedhis Master of Arts degree in physical educationat University of Maryland last summer.The Reverend and Mrs. Buddy Pipes(Grace Fletcher) became the parents ofMiriam Janet on October 9, 1965. David is3Ji and Daniel is 2.Ml.Irian Scheeler Goettee writes that Jack'sdental business in New Windsor Is. expandingand she is still assisting in the office.Jack is lay leader of their church, on theBoard of Directors of the Lions Club, andwas elected to the Town Council last MayAdd to this Jeff, 4, and Lisa, 2.As I s,lid before-all busy people.1958Mrs. Richard B. Palmer(Natalie Warfield)13125 Oriole DriveBeltsville, MarylandGreetings of the New Year to you a1llSanta stuffed my mailbox again, so I havelots of interesting news from all points ofthe globe. I have also had many long,ncwsy letters from, a lot of you, so if I skipinformation or report any newspertinentincorrectly I beg forgiveness and stand tobe corrected. At times it's hard to wadethrough the piles of information I receiveand relay to you that which I feel is ofmost interest.Sue Euler writes that Brooks is now assistantmanager with Travelers in Haddonfield,.New. Jersey. Although Brooks' time isup with his reserve training, he is still holdinghis breath for call up. We'll keep ourfingers crossed, Brooks. Sue is busier thanever with their four childrenR~rl Weil.llfui and his wife, Fran, lire fine.De!lls~, their fi-year-okl, is in kindergarten,and Kirk, their son, keeps Fran hopping.pagetwenty-one

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