~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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The bridge is a symbol in literature-spanning old andnew, East and West, despair and hope, any number ofopposites.As the picture shows there is a three-story section ofhallways-bridges-connecting the old portion of LewisHall with the new. It may be stretching a symbol to usethe science-addition bridge, but the editor adopted itfor this issueon change.Oddly enough Lewis Hall at one time had anotherbridge. Dr. Schofieldcalled our attention to this earlierstructure which stretched between Hering and LewisHalls. In 1936it was torn down anclthe destruction wasconsidered an improvement, a move toward a moremodern campus. Hering Hall was razed several yearslater. Now we have a new bridge and it too is part ofa changing campus.In 1936 Western Maryland didn't need a bridge, in1966 it does. As Dr. Makosky has written for this issue,the College cannot stand still so perhaps in 1996 thebridge will come down again. That won't be important.The old campus no longer graces the Hill's crest butWestern Maryland College still does and will then.We discuss change in this issue, change in buildingsand people and education. And we hope THE MAG-AZINE is a bridge for readers, a bridge from what theyremembered or think they know to what is and what iscoming. Western Maryland College, we are trying tosay, must keep pace.page10m

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