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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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Seated: left to rigl1t-DoJ'Othy Womble, '4U; T!lmnas C. Speake, '14; Walter Short, 'U8; Dr. ami Mrs. Lowell S. Enso;Mary Kennedy Carr, '47; Mrs. George Duffy, 24. Second row: Winifred Coberly Good '40. Marearet Rankin Farra,'22; Joyce Harrington Stettler. '57;. M·rs. Thoma,S Speake; Robert Stonesifer, '11; MUcire(I Lldyd W~st, '46; "Mrs.Georg~Kipp; H. P. Cochrane, M~ry DaVIs Cochr.ane, 44; Jane, Ernsberger, '61,. George Duff/J. Back J'O'W: Audrey ROliiSOMichel, '43; F1'ed Michel, 49; Margaret Rlely'36; Miss Ruth Benson; Miss MatherBrannen, 50; Mr. Brannen; Virginia Rike~ Herring, '49; Ma..rgaretScl1ad,AlumniAssociationCHAPTERS ACTIVEby Philip E. UhrigIN SPRINQFlorida Alumni LuncheonThe Seventh Annual Florida AlumniLuncheon was held on Saturday, February26, at the Rohert Meyer Motor Jon inOrlando, Florida. This year saw a few newfaces-from as far away as Miami. The mostimportant factor in this greater success wasthe presence of Dr. and Mrs. Ensor. \Vewere so very pleased to have them as ourguests, and to hear Dr. Ensor's commentson the changing face of Western Maryla~d,and the efforts being made to meet the m-creased demand for higher educnuon. Heemphasized the importance the. small collegeofand the fact that only one III five ap-pltcants is accepted for admission, whichkeeps Western Maryland in this category\Ve all agreed that we would try harder tosupport our Alma Mater in future endeavorsand will urge our fellow alumni to do thesame.Dr. Ensor paid a special compliment toWalter E. Short, '08, for his efforts in organizingthis annual affnir and his continuingenthusiasm for Western Marvlnnd Collegeand its alumniThe eighth annual luncheon will be heldthe last Saturday in Febnmry, 1967-itonseems a lon~ way olT, but we hope thatthose alumm who

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