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Wayne Crackel! works for the YMCA inRaleigh, North Carolina.Joe Shilling, who was formerly a visitingteacher with the special services of theCarroll County Board of Education andvice principal Francis Scott Key HighatSchool, is now principal of Manchester ElementarySchool.DO'lI!a King, who is at Washington Universityin St. Louis working on her Master'sdegree, is also keeping busy as a socialworker at an institution for juvenile delinquentboys,This past summer Betsy Parker O'Donnellstarted an internship in medical technology.;~~II~:toN::1,:~~a~e~~rn26~alt;:.Mar-Betsy Diann joined the Jim McMahanson April 5, 1965.ha~a;h~~ :~:ndG~~il(rr~:~~~~ljr.~~~=~ber 12, 1964, in Heidelberg, Germany.David Gamber, wife junetta, and daughtersStephanie and Karen Lee are living inBroomall, PennsylvaniaEldridge "Elvis" Ward is practicingphysical therapy in Baltimore and Westminster.He and wife lunc Williams, '61,are residing in Randall Ridge, Handnllstown.They have nn almost-2-year-old daughter,Amanda Jane.Lornm LaMar StIll!, B,S., ShippensburgState College; M.Ed., Western MarylandCollege, graduated from The PennsylvaniaState University on Saturday, September 5,1964, with a Ph.D. in Education. Hemajored in elementary education at thePenn State University.1961V. Jane Ernsberger307 Ellst Plymouth StreetTampa, Florida 33603Pat Piro has resigned after four years ofteaching. She married Nelson Long of Nutley,New Jersey, on October 30 and nowlives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, whereNelson is an accountant for Price waterhouse& Co., for Bethlehem Steel. CharleyReisencceber is teaching art at Catonsvilleso:nior high. Charles is continuing work onhis Master's at Towson State. Some of hisart was included in the Baltimore Jr. Collegefirst alumni art show in November.The Army has transferred Tern and Kuy(McK~y, '62) \fard to Portage, Michigan.IS Terp assistant professor of military scien~at W.estern Michigan U. in Kalamazoo.Chns Rewlrenbecker Boner received herMTS degree from College of Williamthe& Mary on August 14, She teaches biologyat Woodlawn High School.Wayne and Mel Wagner Stricklin, ex-Bl ,no~ have. two little girls in their family.~.lchelle IS 4, and Teresa Lynne (Terri)Jom.ed them January 8. They moved intoi,:r:;~i:~~~~Ir1~~uh;~~dinc~~~~s~~~eltWill soon realize their dream. Doug has beenaccepted for post-doctoral research at theFederal Institute of Technology in Zurich,Switzerland. They plan to leave in July,1966, and travel a while before settling inZurich in October. Jan Alexander and LanceKlein, '63, were married June 26 and arcliving in York, Pennsylvania. Jan is employedas a social worker for child welfarein York County. Ed ('63) and Dory MilesShilling announce the birth of Nancy Jeanon August 20. Ed still teaches at Sykesvillejunior high and is studying for his Master'satWMC.Don Shure and Janice Hack were marriedAugust 21. Don will finish his Master's thissemester and plans to pursue his Ph.D., alsoat Rutgers. Janice teaches fourth grade inNorth Plainfield, New Jersey. Dave ('63)and Pat Scott Pond are living in Kitztngen,Germany, where Dave is the brigade chemicalofficer. Pat is a reading specialist for theArmy. Don and Judy (Ellis, '60) ij6mberthave bought a home in Vienna, Virginia. Donworks for the C&P Telephone Co. He isactive in the D, C. Junior Chamber of Commerceand was chairman of the OrphanChildren's shopping tour in December.Boll Schrader returned from the PeaceCorps in India in the fall of 1963. He receivedhis Master's from Michigan State thispast August and works with the U. S. Dept.of Agriculture research service in Beltsville.In March, 1964, Bob married Lorna JaneMacDonald, Pete and Jean Hatton Class,ex-Bj , added a second boy to their family.Robert Charles was born August 10. JudyKerr received her Bachelor of Sacred Theologyfrom Boston U. school of theologyin June. After a summer of traveling andworking as a counselor in several Methodistcamps in Ohio, she is employed as directorof Christian education at the CommnnityMethodist Church in Cochituate, Massachusetts.Iooce Tllmer, ex-Bl , married Forrest D.Kerns on September 25. Forrest is a systemsengineer for IBM in Charlottesville, Virginia,where they make their home. Eleanor WMtehas set spring of 1966 for her marriage toHoward S. Bell of Baltimore. Jim and Barbara.Brown were transferred in August toReadzng, Pennsylvania, where Jim is branchmanager of G. E. Credit Corp. Bob andConnie Aroin McCallum are now living inColumbia, Missouri. Bob left the Army inAugust, 1964, after being stationed threeyears in counterintelligence in Kansas City.In August of this year, he received his Master'sdegree at the U. of Missouri at KansasCity. He now teaches at the U. of Missouriin Columbia and is studying for his Ph.D.in clinical psychology, After four years ofteaching high school algebra, Connie is nowsocial director at Stephens College forWomen in Columbia.Esther Mann Yost, ex-Bk, has broughtus up to date. She is secretary to the assistantregional administrator for the general servicesadministration, rcgion 3, in Washington.Harry is in the metropolitan police department,accident investigation unit. Theybought their home three years ago. Estherand Harry often visit with Frank and JoanEberle Holmes, ex-'61. Joan graduated fromU. of Md. and teaches art at CrosslandsHigh School. Sue Garretson Daniel is takingthe foreign service course in French conversation.In her work as secretary to the~~;u~ j~il~toi~ f~~~~~:h w~~ie:~~~~e~i~~Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco, and findstheir French better than their English. HusbandJim was sworn into the Virginia SupremeCourt on September 8 and is pres.ently working for the Job Corps handlingdiscipline cases.After three years in the Army as a nuclearweapons officer in Seneca, New York, RonPoore has returned to the land of pleasantliving. He is credit officer at Calvert CountyHospital and lives in Huntingtown. NickiMorris Carl,~ten sponsors the cheerleadersat Dover (Delaware) High School whereshe teaches English. Roll is a senior at theU. of Delaware, Ford and Linda (Reigel_man, '62) Dean announce the birth ofMelody Lynn on June 30. Jack ('60) andBarbara Horst Fringer are in their thirdwinter in Munich, Germany. Jack is commanderof a forward support (maintenance)company. Julie has entered nursery school,while Craig helps Barbara with the domesticchores.In June Bernie Rinehart ('62) graduatedfrom Boston U. school of theology. Bernieand Barhora (Heflin) have moved to Richmond,Massachusetts, where Bernie assumedduties as minister in the CongregationalChurch of Richmond on October 1. TheArmy has transferred Al and Nancy SmithStewart to Ft. Knox, Kentucky. During theirleave after departing from Germany, Al andNancy visited with many friends in theBaltimore - Washington - New Jersey area,Floyd Dean, ex-'61, is seeing the world withthe Navy. This summ~r while cruising theMediterranean, he visited ValenCia, Barcelona,Athens, Istanbul, Palma, Cannes, andMarseilles. He is now a Lt. j.g. and intendsto return to civilian life in November, 1966,after another summer in the Mediterranean.Don Leneski is living in Glendale, California,until he completes his training withS~cony Mobil Oil Co. His future assignmentWIll be on the ~est Coast. Don and Sandrannncunce the birth of Mark Steven on August10. Ron. and Dotty Holland Monarkenjoy living III Chicago. Ron is employedfull time. for Mo:_:KinseyManagement Con,sultan; FIrm while completing his Master's~~~:einiJ u~~~~~~c~~nJ~~~n j~~:y~~~te~have oought a home in Bucks County, Ponn,sy!va~ia, In September Paul and Bobbi~~~~,:.g;a~!'7; w:~ki~dg ~w~~~n~~; ~~.gi:tGeorgia Tech.Fre~ DUkes and family bought a newhO~le III Columbus, Georgia, where Fred isasslgn~d as an instructor in brigade andbattahon tactics at the infantry school atFt. Benning. Fred expects to teach anotheryear and t~len attend infantry officer's careercourse, With graduation and reassignmentpagenineteen

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