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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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years as a Covernment girl i~ \Vashi~gton, Doey Reitl ano I looked at a photographD. C. After serving one enlistment III the album belonging to Mr. jlllian Vincent, '16.WAC during World War II, she returned The snapshots were similar to ones we hadto her desk as a civilian but spent two years taken: girls, sports and snow scenes. Theon Okinawa as librarian to the military and styles were different and it was strangea year and a half in Berlin, ~nnany, as to see horses and not automobiles on thea clerk, coming back to the Un~ted S~tes campus. However the most interesting snapshotin the book was a picture of collegejust before Russia closed the air corridorto the Western nations for the first time. men and women washing their hands andWe are happy to have "Ibby" hack in Westminsterwhere she can keep in closer touch had been shut off on the Hill. Special per-faces in the morning dew! All the waterwith the Hill.mission had been given the students tofreshen up. Other than Parlor, this was one1931of the few times that men and women wereMrs. W. C. Rein (Isabel Douglas) allowed to mingle.4131 North 26 RoadBefore we left Westminster, Doey andArlington, VirginiaI stopped at Margaret nnd Earle's. Insteadof super-breakfasts and cheese sandwichesWell, the 35th reunion is past and whatEarle is now selling antiques. We had afun it was for those of us who returned.Coke on the house and Margaret sent herThirty-live lunched at Baugher's; at-homedlove to all the class. Another college reunionended, hut not contacts with Alumni.at Jim and Squeak Mann's later. About 20of us returned for the evening activities.At Ocean City this summer I ran into aWe dined in great style and gave ye oldereal WMC party. Charlie Hollaud, '29, Virclassyell as loud as we could. What Ruth€linin. Hal/aud Nicoll, '29, Alice HollaudDat;is Darby said at lunch about herselfShoTle!J, '31, Col. Robert Etzler, '32, Annapplied to the rest of us: "We were glad tojohnson Etzler, '33, with husbands, wivesbe back. We took up more room than weand children had gathered together at theused to and we were all a lot nicer."Francis Scott Key Motel to honor and celebratethe birthday of Mrs. Sarah White Hol-We read letters from Elinor Myers Ackley,Dorothy Todd Chesley, Ralph Reed, Paullalld, '02. Malcolm Fox wrote a long newsyBates, Don Woolley, Malcolm Fox andletter. After interesting work in the ExperimentalDivision of an aircraft COmpany on"lap" Weisbeck, '30. Why didn't we hearfrom the rest of you? lim DUll and Milliethe east coast; recruiting workmen for NavyRauln Storm had to leave early to attendfestivities at C. Washington U. Jim has aair bases on the west coast and havingson and Millie a daughter graduating fromseveral gadgets granted U. S. Patents, Foxiethe Law School there. Millie is the newstarted his own business in San FranciscoPresident of the Maryland Federation ofin 1958. The Fox-Nailer Corp. "Take theWomen's Clubs. Viva Reed Engle andFatigue out of Nailing and Save." "A smallHelen Echardt Bowlus are new grandmothers.In July Frank and Anno. Ma!Jfirm" he writes, "lilling the need in the fieldof specialized construction." Recently he hasGallion Wilson, now living in Connecticut,opened a new department. Tools for theput their daughter Ann, a junior at Colby,apartment house owner and the horne "doon a plane bound for Europe while theyit yourselfer." His wife Theresa is in businesswith him. My husband, Doey, nowarc doing a tour of the south and preparingfor son Nick's wedding in September. Chris linds himself more and more associated withHogan, looking very beautiful with her hair academic enterprises. I've lost track of mosta silver-gray, travels for her Board of Education.She has something to do with check-that he is listed in Who's Who in Amer-of his affiliations but he recently found outing up on computers, spent some time last ican Educational Researchers. He is an associateProfessorial Lecturer at C. Washing_year at universities in Ames, Iowa, andGainesville, Florida, and had a side trip ton U., in Statisti.cs and in Education. Atto Nassau. Martha Fogle Conrad and her present he is Faculty Advisor to a new Departmentof Defense School. For extraere,mother, Irene Woodward Fogle, '01, spenta spring holiday in Hawaii. While Martha rtcular civic activities he serves on thewas celebrating her 35th anniversary with alumni committee for Duke Universityus her mother was busy with another group scr~ening applicants from Arlington County,celebrating her 65th. If we had given a while I keep busy Cray Ladying at St.prize, Wiggie Wilker and his lovely wife, Elizabeth's Hospital in D. C. and gatheringMargaret, would have won for coming the alumni news for THE MAGAZINE.farthest distance. We were glad to seeWiggie again and Margaret mixed right in1935with the '31 group.Mrs. Clarence Oils LeckeyContacts with other alumni are a great(Emily F. Dashiell)part of the reunion weekend. At breakfastOak StreetCatherine Hobby Neale and I sat with Mr Princess Anne, Maryland 21853l. W. Smith, '96, oldest alumnus. He isOlive Butler Loss, and husband Robertcurator for the Masonic Museum in Balttmoreand he kept us so interested in talesF. Loss, class of 1934, live in Odessa, Delaware.Bob is life insurance SUpervisor forabout the museum and "olden" days at Home Life Insurance Company, and OliveWMC that we didn't want to leave the is chief school officer of Odessa School No.dining room. Back at Blanche Ward Hall, 61. They have three children. Brian is apage twenty-two

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