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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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NEWS FROM ALUMNI1895Florence B. ZepjJ Zapp, 3908 Maine Avenue,Baltimore, died November 5, 1965.Claude C. Douglas, "" former minister andeducator, died February 8. Dr. Douglas hadcelebrated his lOOth birthday in November,1965.1909lI-f(lriallnll Rei/snider Clarke di"d August4,1965.1911Grace Steele Day, former resident ofWestminster, died in February.1912Nell Barber Baldwin died December 23,19651918A book has been presented to The <strong>Library</strong>in memory of W. Wilsotl Wingate byhis sister, Dr. Evelyn \Vingatc \Venner."The Lacrosse Story" by Alexander M.Weyand and Milton Roberts mentionsR.Wingate as one of the most talented writerscountry.OIl lacrosse ever produced in thisWingate had been an influential supporterof laerossc as a sports writer for the BalttmoreSun and latcr for the Baltimore News-Post. He edited the Official Lacrosse Guideand was an official to accompany Johns HopkinsGames in 1928teams to rho Olympic and 1932. Mr. Wingate was killed in ashooting gallery accident May 24, 1936. Inhis memory friends placed in competitiona silver trophy, which is awarded each yearto the team voted intercollegiate championby the executive board of the United StatesIntercollegiate Lacrosse Association.1921Mrs. Charles E. Moylan(Mildred Wheeler)401 Bretton PlaceBaltimore, Maryland 21218Again we are ready for a special anniversaryof our graduation. Punk EllglarBarncsplnns to continue her five-year luncheons,as she has done since 1946. Pleasenotel:er new nddress-25 Court Street\yestmmstcr. IIopl' to see there at on~youo clock on the Saturday of commencementweekend. Punk has just been appointed tothe Hannah More Academy Board ofTr:ustees for three-year term. This is herathIrd year as Chaplain of the Maryland StateChapter of the D.A.R. She and her Sisterhad a pleasant trip to Alaska last summer. ~~anklin Bailey, now retired, when ~ot~:~l~~~h~bbs~~r;~~l~s~:~;-~:~;l::u;:o~~~~~a~;~mg C?airs. The rlJ(."ent snowstorm provided~ble~(;\ ~~ g:~dk y~: :;e :i~i:'sU:w~~~rleafpage thirtyNOTICEThe following schedule is being observedfor Class Secretary columns: Decemberreunionclasses only (that means classesending in one and six); February-nonreunionclasses; April - reunion classes;July-non-reunion classes; September-noclass news; October-all classes. Classeswithout secretaries will find their newsprinted as information and room indicate.Miriam Bryan Haddaway came to Baltimorein June, 1964, after her husband's retirement.After a summer of redecoratingand remodeling their home in Homeland,Klein began his work as assoctate ministerat Mt. Vernon. They are enjoying beingdose again to Miriam's sister and Klein'ssister and son Bryan and his family, alongwith other old Baltimore friends.Wilfred Copenhaoer, after leaving us,spent four years at Yale, where he receiveda Ph.D. in zoology, three on the anatomystaff at the University of Rochester Schoolof Medicine, and the 38th year in anatomyat the College of Physicians and Surgeonsof Columbia Univenity is now in progress.He married the former Ethel Marker, '22,yo~ know-a.n.d they. are now particularlyentoymg visltmg their children and fourgrandchildren.A delightful letter frOlll Olive EbaughHess reveals she has joined others of usheroines of homespun. "who told us baekin those dear old college clays, that oncewe had mastered English and math, andgym, fudge parties, and 'parlor,' and wereout in the wide, wide world, it was all oursis a course into conquer? \Vhat I need~!~~!;:,tyin ila\~~Ul~~:~~g~n in(·a:~k~~: :~Interior decorating, plus a degree as a veterinarian,plus-,-." Well, I don't believe ithas gotten Olive down since she can stillwax poetic over it in the follOWing;Your letter arrived on the tail of a blizzardMy spirits were low, and I envied the lizard:My one claim to fnme--Fm the Snow Shoveiwtxard-,Work faster!To heighten the scene that the drifts madeso cozy,The hot water tank blew its stack-not sorosy-While ?,y~~~;.,;he temperature dropped veryDisaster!And Pcpe, the poodle, with coat thick andwarm,\Vhu likes the outdoors, and the wind, andthe stornl,Was forced by the drifts to mnke my househis donn.Oh,Master!~0~7e ~~~:!:~:~o~~:rs~~;I~~~:~l;:a~~~~:~But ne:;:~'ltt~:~J loom the '66 fears-How clearly!Be thankful, my classmates, that years ;ISthey go . and so~hcen l~~~:ea;Z~;:~~~~:~(tUj~~I~~~kwhatyou'll know!SincerelyOlive Ebaugh HessWurd just received from Doug Gall:t ayof iaer~~I~ls~~d~::n(d:f:s~;;li~~~i~ pllk D ) ~f~~;ld~~nL:~~t~~~on~~hiIdr~~ll:~n~n~ac~~oningfrequently in Maine and Florida. ·lgIt is with regret that I report ..th~ ~:trofof two of our dassma.tes: 'ValliS il 9 1965,~:~IYie~~(:v ~~~~ ~;~~ °di~~r sePt~~~c1965. Bertha taught matt:ematlCS ~t r..finnefrom1921-29 and at Umverslty 0 pmtlineseta and South Dakota State Cone~e·l 1965.rfi~~:~iao~l~~~:! ~hurch,~h:fe~C~7i;U~~~which takes much of~1~u~~I~1;~n~~~h7!g:~~r where their'f:e~~Rev. E. H. Lllllgrall, '47, was pns tor .were wedding cake, andding pictures, bride's drattendants

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