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~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library

~Wtt&1 - - Hoover Library


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SPORTSSidelineWoreby David CarrascoBlueCourageWestern ManJland's great~ footballcoach, Richard C. Harlow, died in 1961.He Iwd received every award that II footballcoach can recerce in the United States. Oneof the main reasons for hi.Y success as IIfootball coach and as a human beillg is hiswife, Noivette, who liuBS today on MainStreet, just a stone's throw from the Hill.Those who knew Dick Harlow and respectedhim for his dedication to footballand what it did for men are also aware ofthe graciousness of his wife.To spend an hour with Mrs. Harlow is toreceive grace from another human being.She is a tall, stately woman who moveswith strength and certainty. The soft colorswhich Mrs. Harlow prefers (her favoritecolor is blue) complement the white haircleanly dressed on top of her head. Whenthis lady enters a room people becomesilently aware that a warm and graciousperson has come into their midst. The simplicityand wholesomeness of her mind revealsitself in her conversations.As a coach's wife, she was a loyal assistantand always displayed a wise, motherlyconcern for Mr. Harlow's boys. Studentswho visited the Harlow home often founddelicious and filling meals she had preparedMrs. Harlow knows, as well asfor them,any woman, the appetites of young men.The house on Main Street is beautifullydecorated with pictures of many types, pottery,and antique furniture which she andMr. Harlow collected. Every item has apnrttcular meaning for her which she delight~in sharing with visitors. Once, whenshowing some of the priceless pottery, sheexplained, "I was just a two dollar buyer,hut Dick went all out, as he did in everytiling,to gather a beautiful collection."Her favorite room on the first floor is theden. It was here where Coach Harlow spentmany of his hours planning strategy andfine.~~cl~~r!~%l~t o~~~::hr~::~~:Ii::~,cerved. During my last visit, this stately:-V0man confessed that the den needed tidymgup and that she was going to do thejob herself, as always, the first chance shehad .. Her ,knowledge and familiarity witheach Item IS humbling to observe. Few pee-~:e I~:~ so freely familiar with the greatnessThe summer cottage in the Poconos whichshe and Mr. Harlow visited every summeris ~rs: Harlow's favorite place. Her nppreciationfor flowers and plants revealed iswhen she talks about the garden. Her mostrecent visit was during the past summer"Oh, I'm never really alone for I know thatMrs. Richard: C. Harlow, widow of [amous Western Maryland football coach.Di~, is ever with me and I manage justMrs. Harlow still has a faithful interesttoday's boys and coaches. She visits theingames on every free occasion. Once she referredto the pressure that coaches and theirfamilies must bear. "Yes it is a grind, butit's worth living through and I wouldn'tchange any of it for the world"During the last several years of his life,Mrs. Harlow tended and cared for her husband.She took meticulous effort to preparehis special diet and with austere courageand grace comforted the man in his mostdifficult days.entering Upon the house on Main Street,visitor may see a picture (artist unknown)aof a lone Sgure walking through the snow~oward a warmly lighted home. Upon lcavmg,that visitor may realize the picture issymbolic of Mrs. Harlow, of beauty andpeace.Reprint: 1'he Gold null', November 19, 1965RECORD TO DATEAs this issue goes to press WesternMaryland's gridiron squad has lostthree and won two. The record:WM vs. Wagner-24_6WM vs. P.M.C.-6-10WM vs. Lycoming-14_27WM vs. ~lampden-SydneY-O_14WM vs. Washington and Lee-23_7pagenineteen

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