Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

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Items in red indicate updates to our schedule- next to section # indicates canceled<strong>Modified</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>Fri</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>11</strong>, 20<strong>11</strong>, 1:<strong>55</strong> <strong>PM</strong>28 <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong> • Spring 20<strong>11</strong> • www.goldenwestcollege.eduSpring 20<strong>11</strong> CoursesDSGN G232 - Rapid Visualization Techniques 3 unitsThis course provides an introduction to technical drawingand rapid visualization techniques for the presentationof design concepts employed by professional designstudios. This course may be taken 2 times.Letter grade only. Transferable to CSU.Advisories: Design G131 and G132, or completion of eitherG131 or G132 with concurrent enrollment in the other.$20 course material fee68216 5-7:05pm Th A/BODY 163 Wightand 7:10-10:20pm Th A/BODY 163DSGN G250 - Portfolio Development,Review and Critique3 unitsThe emphasis of this course is on competitive portfoliodevelopment and will allow students to compile theirexisting art and design work into a portfolio that willcatch the attention of a portfolio review committee,prospective employer or client. This course will allowstudents to update their skills and portfolio to the mostcurrent design career standards. This course may betaken 4 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64847 5-7:05pm Th A/BODY 163 <strong>West</strong>erkampand 7:10-10:20pm Th A/BODY 163DIGITAL ARTSwww.goldenwestcollege.edu/da(714) 895-8772sglumace@gwc.cccd.eduDART G100 - Introduction to Digital Arts 3 unitsThis course introduces the student to the fundamentalsof Digital Arts including scanner usage, digital camerausage, printers and software used in the Digital Designfield. This course may be taken 2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.ONLINEFor additional information, see the Online section of thisschedule and http://onlinegwc.org64344 4 hrs 25 min arr/wk GWC ONLINE GlassfordDART G101 - Business of Art2 unitsSame as: Art G101Exploration of choices and careers in commercial or fineart, including business and marketing techniques, selfpromotion & portfolio preparation. Students will study& experience the business aspects of an art career.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64334 6-8:05pm W LIBR 205 PattisonDART G103 - Digital 2D Design3 unitsThis course is an introduction to the basic visualvocabulary used by visual artists & designers. UsingMacintosh computers & software programs such asillustrator. Photoshop & Painter, students will explore theuse of the computer as a design tool. Students will learnways to observe details in the environment around them& are encouraged to create meaningful art utilizing thevisual elements of design.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64601 6-8:05pm T FN ART 207 Hostetterand 8:06-10:15pm T FN ART 207DART G<strong>11</strong>5 - Typography3 unitsChoosing, formation, design & production of letteringused in graphic design projects. Class is taught in theMac computer lab using the latest Adobe Illustratorapplication for production. Working ability of AdobeIllustrator is strongly encouraged.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.Advisories: Digital Arts G135$20 course material fee64154 6-8:05pm W FN ART 202 Gomez-Holbrookand 8:05-10:15pm W FN ART 202DART G120 - Rendering I2 unitsSame as: Art G120A drawing course developing preliminary sketches intopresentation renderings. Projects are theme orientedto match real world commercial art assignments.Handouts and class demonstrations will proceed eachproject. Students will learn to use a creative process todevelop and produce portfolio pieces.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64336 6-8:05pm T FN ART <strong>11</strong>2 Fosterand 8:05-10:15pm T FN ART <strong>11</strong>2DART G135 - Introduction to Adobe Illustrator 3 unitsIntroduction, practice and practical application ofthe latest version of Adobe Illustrator software. Thisis the basic program used in industry to producegraphic designs, compose desktop publishing, controllettering and perform illustrations. It is also basic toweb sites designs and 3d computer graphics. This classis required for the Graphic Design Certificate programcompletion of Digital Arts 100 or equivalent experiencerecommended. This course may be taken 2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64339 1-3:05pm W FN ART 207 Gagneand 3:06-5:15pm W FN ART 20764074 6-8:05pm Th FN ART 207 Sineriand 8:06-10:15pm Th FN ART 207ONLINEFor additional information, see the Online section of thisschedule and http://onlinegwc.org64073 4 hrs 25 min arr/wk GWC ONLINE GagneDART G150 - Photoshop, Beginning 3 unitsUse Photoshop for digital compositing, typography,image repair, video and web image construction inbusiness, graphic design, the web and digital mediafields. Emphasis is on tool usage, legal image usage,photoshop terms and basic functions of the software.This course may be taken 4 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64346 1-3:05pm T FN ART 203 Gomez-Holbrookand 3:06-5:15pm T FN ART 20368454 9-<strong>11</strong>:05am S FN ART 207 Burgerand <strong>11</strong>:10am-1:15pm S FN ART 20764343 6-8:05pm M FN ART 207 Lewisand 8:10-10:15pm M FN ART 207ONLINEFor additional information, see the Online section of thisschedule and http://onlinegwc.org64340 4 hrs 25 min arr/wk GWC ONLINE STAFFDART G152 - Using Photoshop,Intermediate3 unitsAdvanced usage of Adobe Photoshop for digitalcompositing, filter usage, typography and outputting asused in business and the Web. Consideration is also givento Photoshop terms, modes, color balance, shadows/reflections, light sources, the Photoshop digital workingenvironment, and the tools and the advanced functionsof the software. This course may be taken 2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64149 5:30-7:35pm W FN ART 207 Nielsenand 7:35-9:40pm W FN ART 207DART G170 - Graphic Design Principles 3 unitsSame as: Art G170Introductory to visual communication principles. The“how’s” and “why’s” to make critical choices in solvinggraphic design problems. Understanding the connectionbetween creative choice and technical production.Required for graphic design certificate program.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.ONLINEFor additional information, see the Online section of thisschedule and http://onlinegwc.org64173 4 hrs 25 min arr/wk GWC ONLINE SineriDART G174 - Introduction to Page Layout &Design - Adobe InDesign3 unitsSame as: Art G174An introduction to electronic page layout and design usingtoday’s popular software such as Adobe InDesign. Thiscourse includes beginning principles of document designcombined with detailed software instruction that willenable the student to master basic principles of topographyand publishing. This course may be taken 4 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64350 6-8:05pm M FN ART 202 Hansburyand 8:06-10:15pm M FN ART 202DART G175 - Cartooning2 unitsSame as: Art G175Introduction to cartoon drawing techniques used in avariety of commercial art applications. Assignments arebased on class hand outs that feature examples of subjecttopics and examples. Class promotes developmentof unique characters and practical layouts. Essentialfor learning the art of cartooning using exaggeration,humor, or satire. This course may be taken 4 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee68354 6-8:05pm T FN ART <strong>11</strong>2 Fosterand 8:05-10:15pm T FN ART <strong>11</strong>2DART G177 - Graphic Design Principleson the Computer3 unitsSame as: Art G177A studio format class in the new computer lab wherestudents use their acquired graphic techniques andtalents to prepare portfolio quality graphic design. Usinga variety of software programs, the course combinesgraphics, illustration, lettering and photography tocommunicate ideas and concepts clearly and effectively.This course may be taken 2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$20 course material fee64359 6-8:05pm T FN ART 205 Gomez-Holbrookand 8:06-10:15pm T FN ART 205For more course info & the latest updates visit us at www.goldenwestcollege.edu

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