Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

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Items in red indicate updates to our schedule- next to section # indicates canceled<strong>Modified</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>Fri</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>11</strong>, 20<strong>11</strong>, 1:<strong>55</strong> <strong>PM</strong>30 <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong> • Spring 20<strong>11</strong> • www.goldenwestcollege.eduSpring 20<strong>11</strong> CoursesDRAFTINGwww.goldenwestcollege.edu/drafting(714) 895-8792lbaird@gwc.cccd.eduDRAF G090 - CAD Drafting Laboratory 1 unitFor students desiring extra CAD lab hours. The studentwill perform exercises which will be assigned in oneof the prerequisite classes. This course may be taken4 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Not transferable, AA/ASdegree only.Corequisites: Architecture G160 or G162, Drafting G101,G105, G<strong>11</strong>0, G17068309 12-3:10pm T TECH 205 Baird64652 5:30-8:40pm T TECH 205 BairdDRAF G101 - Basic Computer AidedDesign Drafting4 unitsA survey of the basic fundamentals of drafting using themost current version of AutoCAD software. The courseis designed for the first time drafting student with noprevious CAD experience. The course includes freehand sketching, interpreting blueprints, drawing layout,multi-view projection and dimensioning. This coursemay be taken 2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.$4 course material fee64639 12-3:10pm M TECH 205 Bairdand 3:15-4:20pm M TECH 205and 12-3:10pm W TECH 205DRAF G105 - Basic Engineering Drafting I,Computer Aided Drafting3 unitsThe course will cover the study of correct letter styles fordrafting, geometric construction, multi-view projection,basic dimensioning, threads & fasteners, isometricdrawing and single auxiliary projection. All draftingproblems will be drawn using computer aided drafting,(CAD), with AutoCAD software. This course may betaken 2 times.Letter grade only. Transferable to CSU.$5 course material fee64667 5:30-7:35pm T TECH 205 Bairdand 7:36-9:41pm T TECH 205DRAF G170 - Advanced 3D Mechanical Design 3 unitsThis is an advanced solid modeling design course formechanical drafters, designers, and engineers. Studentswill use the most current Computer Aided Drafting(CAD) software and computer lab projects to developsolid models, assemblies and drawings and to solvemechanical design problems. This course may be taken2 times.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU.Advisories: Drafting G<strong>11</strong>0$3 course material fee64650 12-2:05pm T TECH 205 Bairdand 2:06-4:<strong>11</strong>pm T TECH 205CLASS CANCELLATION<strong>College</strong> reserves the right to cancel classes.All classes offered are based upon sufficientenrollment to economically warrant them. Classesmay be cancelled as a result of low enrollment,State legislation, and/or financial considerations.When classes are cancelled due to low enrollment,every attempt will be made to help students adjusttheir academic schedules.ECOLOGYwww.goldenwestcollege.edu/ecology(714) 895-8990mwallace@gwc.cccd.eduECOL G100 - People and Their Environment 3 unitsCurrent problems & possible solutions for people & theirenvironment.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.64654 <strong>11</strong>:10am-12:35pm TTh MATHSC 217 LeipzigECONOMICSwww.goldenwestcollege.edu/economics(714) 895-8790mbowlby@gwc.cccd.eduECON G<strong>11</strong>0 - American Economic Problems 3 unitsApplication of economic theory to solution of theproblems of American economy, economics of choice,education, inflation, pollution, & poverty.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.68403 12:45am - 2:10pm Th BUS 209 KeepECON G120 - Economic Historyof the United States3 unitsSame as: History G<strong>11</strong>0Survey of the growth of the American economy fromcolonial times to the present. Emphasis on causal agents& theoretical roots.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.64668 12:45-2:10pm MW ADMIN 210 MooreECON G180 - Micro Economics3 unitsAn introduction to the tools and methods of economicanalysis. The course deals with the principles ofeconomic analysis, supply and demand, costs, microeconomicmodels, and production.Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.Prerequisites: Mathematics G030 or MathematicsPlacement Assessment64657 7:<strong>55</strong>-9:20am MW ADMIN 209 Carle64658 <strong>11</strong>:10am-12:35pm MW ADMIN 215 Carle64659 12:45-2:10pm TTh ADMIN 209 Fey64661 6:35-9:45pm T ADMIN 2<strong>11</strong> CumminsECON G285 - Macro-Economics3 unitsThis course is a continuation of the tools of economicanalysis and the application of these tools to the issuesof macro-economics. Advisory: Econ G180Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.Prerequisites: Mathematics G030 or MathematicsPlacement AssessmentAdvisories: Economics G18064662 <strong>11</strong>:10am-12:35pm TTh ADMIN 209 KeepONLINEFor additional information, see the Online section of thisschedule and http://onlinegwc.org68404 3 hrs 17 min arr/wk GWC ONLINE PakulaPlease refer to thesearchable schedule forup-to-date information regarding courseofferings. Updates to theprinted schedule and the current .pdfversion that is posted may be foundafter press updateswww.goldenwestcollege.eduEnglish Prerequisite RequirementsSome English courses have mandatory prerequisites. If you are planning to enroll in one ofthese courses, you must meet one of the following:1. Your GWC placement test (results) must recommend you for the class (placement testscores are valid for 2 years from the original date of the test)Or2. You must have completed the prerequisite course with a grade of “C” or better at GWCafter 1989 or be currently enrolled in it,Or3. You must have completed the prerequisite course at GWC prior to 1989 or anothercollege with a grade of “C” or better. To show proof of the prerequisite completion, bring acopy of your transcript or grade report to the Admissions Office prior to enrolling. Pleaseallow 24 hours for processing.Students who have taken English assessment tests at a California community college withinthe last two years may use those placement results in lieu of assessment testing at <strong>Golden</strong><strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Such students should bring their test results to the Assessment Center forreview.Students wishing to challenge a prerequisite or placement may contact the AssessmentCenter for further information. Prerequisite Challenge forms can be obtained from theAssessment Center. Instructions are provided on the Challenge form.For more course info & the latest updates visit us at www.goldenwestcollege.edu

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