Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

Fri, March 11, 2011, 1:55 PM Modified Date: - Golden West College

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Items in red indicate updates to our schedule- next to section # indicates canceled<strong>Modified</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>Fri</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>11</strong>, 20<strong>11</strong>, 1:<strong>55</strong> <strong>PM</strong>64 <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong> • Spring 20<strong>11</strong> • www.goldenwestcollege.eduAdmissions to GWCApplication ProcessAdmissions/RegistrationAll students have the right to challenge or appeal any step in thematriculation process. Forms are available in the AdmissionsOffice for this purpose. A student who feels that his/her rightto matriculation services has been violated may file a grievancewith the Vice President of Student Services.It is the student’s responsibility to express a broad educationalintent upon admission and to declare a specific educationalgoal by the time 15 units are completed. The student is alsoresponsible for participating in counseling, attending class,completing assignments, and maintaining progress toward aneducational goal.A student has the right to refuse matriculation services and maydo so by contacting the Matriculation Clerk in the AdmissionsOffice to obtain a refusal form. Students who refusematriculation services will not receive priority registration.If you have any questions regarding any of the steps in theadmissions process, please contact the Matriculation Clerk at(714) 895-8207.Disabled StudentsNew students with verified disabilities may apply for admissionand services directly through the Accessibility Center forEducation (ACE) Office located in the KOCE building. Foradditional information, please call 714.895.8721 (voice) or714.895.8350 (TTY).Returning StudentsStudents who have had a break in their attendance ofone semester or more must reapply to the college online atwww.goldenwestcollege.edu. Students should apply onlineearly since registration appointments are assigned on a firstapplied, first issued basis.Continuing StudentsContinuing enrolled students from the Fall 2010 semester arenot required to file an application in order to register for theSpring 20<strong>11</strong> semester.Ability To Profit By InstructionIn order to remain enrolled at <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong>, a studentmust be able to profit from instruction. Students who haveEnglish language deficiencies are urged to enroll in basicEnglish classes. Failure to do so may lead to their being droppedfrom their other courses. Contact a counselor for assistance. Ifan instructor determines that a student’s deficiency in Englishmay result in physical harm to him/her or to others in the classi.e., shop course, physical science lab, etc., the student may berequired to withdraw from the course.Family Educational Rights &Privacy Act of 1974 PolicyThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affordsstudents certain rights with respect to their education records.The rights include:1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education recordswithin 45 days of the day <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>College</strong> receives a requestfor access.2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s educationrecords that the student believes is inaccurate.3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiableinformation contained in the student’s education records,except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure withoutconsent.One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, isdisclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.A school official is a person employed by the <strong>College</strong> in anadministrative, supervisory, academic or research, or supportstaff position (including law enforcement unit personnel andhealth staff); a person or company with whom the <strong>College</strong> hascontracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); aperson serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on anofficial committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee,or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the officialneeds to review an education record in order to fulfill his or herprofessional responsibility.Student’s directory information is released only upon approvalof the Administrative Director of Student Services. Students mayrequest in writing to the Administrative Director of Student Servicesor his/her designee, that directory information not be released.Directory information includes one or more of the following:student’s name, birthdate, participation in officially recognizedactivities and sports, weight and height of members of athleticteams, dates of attendance, number of units of enrollment, anddegrees and awards received.For additional information see Family Rights and Privacy in the<strong>College</strong> Catalog.ATTENDANCE REQUIRED AT FIRSTCLASS MEETINGProtect your enrollment by attendingthe first meeting. Because of enrollmentdemands, students not present when roll iscalled may be dropped from the class. Ofteninstructors make those spaces available toother students wishing to add the class.If you are unable to attend the first classmeeting contact the instructor prior to thefirst meeting. Remember it is the student’sresponsibility to drop a class they are nolonger attending.

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