Incident Management Policy and Procedure 652.0 KB - Oxleas NHS ...

Incident Management Policy and Procedure 652.0 KB - Oxleas NHS ...

Incident Management Policy and Procedure 652.0 KB - Oxleas NHS ...


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Type of incident Level 1NegligibleDiscrimination onthe basis ofprotectedcharacteristicsunder the EqualityAct (2010):Ethnicity / race /gender /Transgender / civilpartnership /marriage /Religion / sexualorientation / age /Disability /pregnancy /maternityHealth <strong>and</strong> SafetyHumanResources/staffingInfection ControlIT <strong>and</strong>Communication<strong>Management</strong>Loss/Theft ofpersonal/trustpropertyMedication errorsDerogatory comments orbehavior (including theuse of unacceptable/abusive words) based onequality characteristicsRacist or otherdiscriminatory insignia orimagesPornography where thismay impact on others(excluding private use)Reported defect to theinterior/exterior part orparts of the building notresulting in the disruptionto serviceRelease (spillage/gasdischarge) of thesubstance non hazardousto healthShort term low staffinglevel that temporarilyreduces service quality 1dayStaff whose professionalregistration expiredcontinues to practicewithout prior renewingtheir licenseNeedle stick injury/human bite that breaksskinExposure to body fluidsor other sources ofinfection resulting in 3days sicknessAny outbreak of infection(D&V, MRSA)Any diagnosis ofbacteraemia ( MRSA,MSSA, E Coli) in apatientDisruption of the ITsystem (server failure)affecting serviceprovision > 1 dayCost or loss to trust £500£10,000 Personalloss/cost to client, staff,public £100- £5000Error in administration orprescribing with apotential affect on clientIncorrect dosageDelayed <strong>and</strong> / or omitted(including omissions dueto alcohol <strong>and</strong> / or drugmisuse) medicationwhere there are anadverse affectsLevel 4MajorAssault motivated bydiscriminatory attitudes –eg racist, homophobicSerious sexual assaultPersistent seriousharassment with contactbased on equalitycharacteristicsHealth <strong>and</strong> Safety<strong>Incident</strong> resulting inpatient or staff injuryrequiring hospitalisationUnsafe staffing level > 5daysNo staff attendingm<strong>and</strong>atory training on anongoing basisUnregistered staff or staffstruck of from the registercontinues to practiceNeedle stick injury froma patient with a knownblood borne virus (HIV,Hep B, Hep C)Exposure to body fluidsor other sources ofinfection resulting inserious illnessMRSA, Bacteraemia <strong>and</strong>C-Diff with infectionSerious Disruption of theIT system affectingservice provision > 5daysCost or loss to trust£10,000 - £40,000Personal cost to client,staff public £5,000 -£10,000Affect on client due toerror in prescribing,administration or dosageAny medication incidentcausing significantirreversible affectsProlonged delayed <strong>and</strong>omitted medicationwhere there is anadverse affect on thepatientLevel 5 / neverEventsCatastrophicAssault of pregnantwoman causing physicaldamage or harm to thechild or womanAssault of a person with adisability with seriousconsequences -eg loss ofmobilityAssault resulting inserious harm wherediscriminatory attitudesare clearly identified asthe causeHealth <strong>and</strong> Safetyincident resulting in adeath of patient or staffUnsafe staffing level forservice to operateNeedle stick injurycausing recipient tocontact a serious illness(HIV, Hep B)Sudden or unexpecteddeath where evidencemay be related toexposure to any infectionor infectious diseaseCost or loss to trust ofmore than £40,000 puspersonal loss to client,staff, public of more than£10,000Prescribing ,administration or wrongdosage leading to seriousharm or deathto alcohol <strong>and</strong> / or drugmisuse) medicationwhere there are noadverse affects27

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