Annual Report Year 2004 - Civil and Environmental Engineering

Annual Report Year 2004 - Civil and Environmental Engineering

Annual Report Year 2004 - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Structural<strong>Engineering</strong> & MaterialsThe quest for better bridges: CEE researchers areinvolved throughout the region in prototype bridge projectsthat use designs <strong>and</strong> technology developed at VirginiaTech. Some of the concepts being tested include pre-castbridge deck panels, glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcementbars (GFRP), bulb-T girders, <strong>and</strong> ultra-high performanceconcrete. Pictured at top is live-load testing byCarin Roberts-Wollman’s team of the Sugar Grove, Va.Route 601 bridge, which uses GFRP for low maintenance<strong>and</strong> longer life. Shown above is a historically significantCovington, Va. through truss bridge, which will be rehabilitatednext summer. The bridge will use lightweight fiberreinforcedpolymer (FRP) decking, which is one-third theweight of a reinforced concrete deck, so that emergencyvehicles can use the bridge.Faculty members in Structural <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>and</strong>Materials continued to excel in a number of education<strong>and</strong> research areas as listed below. Many ofthese accomplishments would not be possible withoutthe dedicated support of the students <strong>and</strong> staff.Virtual work as structural behavior toolFinley Charney has continued his efforts in research relatedto earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, <strong>and</strong> structuralsoftware development. Within the field of earthquakeengineering, he is focusing on the development of analyticaltools to identify <strong>and</strong> control sources of systemic dispersion instructures. He is also continuing his research activities in theapplication of virtual work as a tool for structural behavioridentification <strong>and</strong> optimization.Together with James Martin <strong>and</strong> other faculty, Charney hascreated a new center called the Center for Extreme LoadEffects on Structures (CELES). The main purpose of the centeris to reduce economic loss <strong>and</strong> human suffering from extremeloading <strong>and</strong> operates under the umbrella of the Institute forCritical Technology <strong>and</strong> Applied Science (See article, page 6.).With funding from an industrial sponsor, Charney managedthe development of a new finite element analysis“engine,” programmed in object-oriented C++. This programwill be used as the platform for incorporating more advancedanalysis capabilities including nonlinear dynamic analysis,incremental dynamic analysis, probabilistic analysis, <strong>and</strong>graphical visualization. Porting of the software to VirginiaTech’s new supercomputer is under consideration.The educational computer programs NONLIN <strong>and</strong>EQTools were recently upgraded through funding from theNational Institute for Building Science. These programs wereused in a new graduate-level course in earthquake engineeringthat was co-taught by Charney, Sam Easterling, <strong>and</strong> CarinRoberts-Wollmann.Charney continues to be active in technical committees,chairing both the ASCE committee on Methods of Analysis,<strong>and</strong> the ASCE Structural Congress Committee.Blast loads on tentsRay Plaut <strong>and</strong> Rakesh Kapania of aerospace <strong>and</strong> oceanengineering finished a one-year grant from the Air ForceResearch Laboratory involving a finite element analysis of thedynamic response of tents to blast loads. Also, tests were conductedon the material of the outer canvas <strong>and</strong> on the innerliner, which is supposed to prevent personnel from externalchemical <strong>and</strong> biological agents.Plaut continued to investigate the potential application ofslack ropes for mitigation of the seismic response of structures.A portal frame has been designed <strong>and</strong> will be testedunder periodic loading in the structures laboratory. Later, a25

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