The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk

The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk

The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk


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<strong>The</strong> docks are pretty much empty except for asingle barijah flying the colors of Dihn andsporting a drooping wet plume. Your hopes arecrushed because the barijah, in typical Tusman<strong>de</strong>sign sports no cover from the rain.<strong>The</strong> vessel is a glorified raft. Of typical barijah<strong>de</strong>sign, the vessel is wi<strong>de</strong>, with the shallow hullthat allows it to traverse the rivers of Tusmit evenwhen the riverbeds are low. <strong>The</strong> barijah is squareand tapered at the bow. <strong>The</strong> hold is a large box atthe center of the barijah, the bulk of which isabove-<strong>de</strong>ck. A sail is attached to the top of the holdwhich flies the colors of Dihn, according toTusman shipping laws. <strong>The</strong> only quarters is a smallcabin for the captain at the back of the hold. A largetarp is pulled over the crate. Six sailors busythemselves around vessel.Ishmal al-Qadi is easily recognizable on the docks,standing with a sailor. He motions for you toapproach.“Praise to the High Cleric that you have arrived. <strong>Le</strong>tme present you Captain Jahah and his ship, theGold Coast.”Ishmal proceeds to introduce everyone to the Captain.Any PC who played TUS2-03 <strong>The</strong> Galda Coastrecognizes both the captain and his ship. Captain Jahahgives those PCs a warm welcome and thanks themagain for saving his barijah so many years ago.Everyone else, the Captain gives a polite handshakeand welcomes them aboard the Gold Coast. Moussef al-Qadi and the princess are nowhere to be found.Captain Jahah or<strong>de</strong>rs his men to leave Blashikdur assoon as all your gear is on-board. His men begin torow up the river. <strong>The</strong> city disappears quickly, notonly by the strength of the six rowers, but the greycurtain of rain.Ishmal al-Qadi walks to the back of the ship, pullsout a pouch and scroll before kneeling as if inprayer. Ishmal begins to read from the scroll.Anyone asking for a Spellcraft check, the DC is 21 torecognize a planar ally spell.Minutes later, Ishmal is still reading. Finally, out ofthe river two vaguely humanoid forms appear.Ishmal stands and speaks in a language that soundslike the rain hitting the <strong>de</strong>ck.Ishmal is speaking Aquan to them. He explains hewould like them to push the barijah to speed it up. Inexchange, he offers them consecrated salt and watersapphires. <strong>The</strong> elementals <strong>de</strong>al the final amount thefinal price is around 8,000gp. As soon as Ishmal handsover the content of the pouch to the elementals, thebarijah begins to speed up significantly. Ishmalinstructs the crew to take shelter since they won’t needto row.Speaking to Ishmal<strong>The</strong> PCs may want to speak to Ishmal. He remainstight-lipped until the barijah enters the Udgru, a fewhours away.• Ishmal is very interested in other peoples’religions and their beliefs. Like most Qadi, he isopen-min<strong>de</strong>d about religion.• He won’t say where the Princess or Moussef are,he simply winks.• He is really interested in learning about howthings are going in Tusmit and the perceptionpeople have of the Pasha. He is very vocal inshowing the failings of Muammar Quaran (warwith Ket, commerce in a terrible shape, rovinggoblins, rebellion). He points to the Caliph ofEkbir, the Sultan of Zeif and the Beygraph of Ketas symbols of lea<strong>de</strong>rship.• <strong>The</strong> princess was the one who <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d theiritinerary. He confi<strong>de</strong>s in PCs who have his favorthat he is quite worried about the Udgru, whichhas a poor reputation in Ekbir too.Speaking to the crewBecause they have a lot of free time, the crew is morethan happy to gamble away or talk.• <strong>The</strong> elves tend to let most ship pass through theforest, as long as the sailors do not set foot on land.• On the <strong>Ekbirrian</strong> shore of the Udgru, danger doesnot come from the elves, but from humanoids,bandits and worshippers of evil. <strong>The</strong>y are said toall bow to a single master know as the BlackKnight. However since most of the trip will be inall Tusman shores, they should watch out forelves.• <strong>The</strong>y have been through the forest a few timessince the execution of Khellersorian, each time ithas been a nerve-wracking experience.• <strong>The</strong> captain arms everyone before they enter thewoods. (<strong>The</strong> PCs can know the sailors are notquality warriors).• Captain Jahah says he was paid handsomely tobring cargo to Deir El’Mahari. He asked noEKB5-06/TUS5-07 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ekbirrian</strong> <strong>Job</strong> Page 16

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