The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk

The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk

The Ekbirrian Job/ La Mission ekbirienne - Le Monde de Greyhawk


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their business here is done, however he is willing toswear that he will follow the PCs once his mission hereis done.He offers the PCs to join them to Dwur’Ayhand. <strong>The</strong>princess is also ready to swear such an oath if asked(but Jadhim has no intention of keeping that promise).<strong>The</strong>y make no efforts to hi<strong>de</strong> who they are, and <strong>de</strong>clarethemselves if prompted. Ishmal presents the princess.Taking Ishmal’s offerIf they do so, the PCs can form up an escort toDwur’Ayhand. <strong>The</strong>y should receive full experience forthis encounter. Proceed to Encounter 8 – RebellingNobles.Refusing Ishmal’s offerIf the PCs refuse Ishmal’s offer, the adventurers movein to fight against the PCs. <strong>The</strong> EL is reduced by 1because of the use of non-lethal damage by the NPCs.APL 2 (EL 4)Karam Djel: male Baklunish Pal3; hp 28; seeAppendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr3; hp 24, seeAppendix OneAPL 4 (EL 6)Karam Djel: male Baklunish Pal5; hp 44; seeAppendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr5; hp 38, seeAppendix OneAPL 6 (EL 8)Karam Djel: male Baklunish Pal5/Hosp2; hp 58; seeAppendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr7; hp 52, seeAppendix OneAPL 8 (EL 10)Karam Djel: male Baklunish Pal5/Hosp4; hp 81; seeAppendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr9; hp 66, seeAppendix OneAPL 10 (EL 12)Karam Djel & Mehemet Balam: male BaklunishPal5/Hosp4; hp 81; see Appendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr9; hp 66, seeAppendix One<strong>Le</strong>onal: hp 114, see Monster Manual page 142.APL 12 (EL 13)Karam Djel & Mehemet Balam: male BaklunishPal5/Hosp4; hp 81; see Appendix OneJabelliah al-Qadi: female Baklunish Clr9; hp 66, seeAppendix One<strong>Le</strong>onal (2): hp114 each, see Monster Manual page142.Tactics: <strong>The</strong> princess uses her belt of invisibility assoon as combat starts. <strong>The</strong> Qadi stay back, calling totheir people not to kill the PCs. <strong>The</strong> escorts only usenon-lethal damage until the PCs start using realdamage.Neither Ishmal nor Moussef are counted in theencounter. <strong>The</strong>y both try to stay away from combat. Ifthe PCs target them (even indirectly using a templatespell), they both engage in battle. <strong>The</strong>y are NOT part ofthe EL of the encounter.If the fight goes poorly for the PCs, they are offered thechance for an honorable surren<strong>de</strong>r, if the PCs agree toescort the Qadi and the princess.By the same way, if the escorts are getting severelybeaten by the PCs, they call for mercy, as long as allcombat has been non-lethal. Again the Qadi do notagree to leave for Ekbir, at least not as long as theyhaven’t been to Dwur’Ayhand first. After that, theystand willing to accompany the PCs wherever theywant.Should the PCs be out for blood and want to gothrough the Qadi, the princess uses her cape of themountebank to dimension door away. In that case, goto the Conclusion un<strong>de</strong>r Failed.Treasure:APL 2 L: 149gp; C: 0gp; M: 0gpAPL 4 L: 508gp; C: 0gp; M: +1 scimitar x3 (193gp eachper character)APL 6 L: 67gp; C: 0gp; M: +1 full plate x3(221gp eachper character); +1 heavy steel shield x2 (98gp each percharacter); +1 flaming scimitar x2 (693gp each percharacter); gauntlets of ogre power +2 x2(333gp eachper character); cloak of charisma +2 x2 (333gp each percharacter); +1 scimitar (193gp per character)APL 8 L: 67gp; C: 0gp; M: +1 full plate x3(221gp eachper character); +1 heavy steel shield x2(98gp each percharacter); +1 flaming scimitar x2 (693gp each percharacter); gauntlets of ogre power +2 x2 (333gp eachEKB5-06/TUS5-07 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ekbirrian</strong> <strong>Job</strong> Page 26

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