Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City

Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City

Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City


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service area at the end of 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, and a descriptionof the actual use of recycled water in comparison to uses previouslyprojected pursuant to this subdivision.(f) A description of actions, including financial incentives,which may be taken to encourage the use of recycled water, and theprojected results of these actions in terms of acre-feet of recycledwater used per year.(g) A plan for optimizing the use of recycled water in thesupplier's service area, including actions to facilitate theinstallation of dual distribution systems, to promote recirculatinguses, to facilitate the increased use of treated wastewater thatmeets recycled water standards, and to overcome any obstacles toachieving that increased use.10634. The plan shall include information, to the extentpracticable, relating to the quality of existing sources of wateravailable to the supplier over the same five-year increments asdescribed in subdivision (a) of Section 10631, and the manner inwhich water quality affects water management strategies and supplyreliability.WATER CODESECTION 1063510635. (a) Every urban water supplier shall include, as part of itsurban water management plan, an assessment of the reliability of itswater service to its customers during normal, dry, and multiple drywater years. This water supply and demand assessment shall comparethe total water supply sources available to the water supplier withthe total projected water use over the next 20 years, in five-yearincrements, for a normal water year, a single dry water year, andmultiple dry water years. The water service reliability assessmentshall be based upon the information compiled pursuant to Section10631, including available data from state, regional, or local agencypopulation projections within the service area of the urban watersupplier.(b) The urban water supplier shall provide that portion of itsurban water management plan prepared pursuant to this article to anycity or county within which it provides water supplies no later than60 days after the submission of its urban water management plan.(c) Nothing in this article is intended to create a right orentitlement to water service or any specific level of water service.(d) Nothing in this article is intended to change existing lawconcerning an urban water supplier's obligation to provide waterservice to its existing customers or to any potential futurecustomers.California <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act Page 11<strong>2010</strong>

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