Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City

Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City

Final Report, 2010 Urban Water Management Plan - Culver City


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There are no direct estimates of water savings applicable to the Foundational BMPs; however,these measures will continue to contribute to reducing Region II’s demand.7.4 Programmatic DMMsGSWC intends to continue to comply with the MOU using the BMP compliance approach for theMetro <strong>Report</strong>ing Unit. Implementation of the programmatic BMPs will continue to be a joint effortwith Metropolitan. Metropolitan is responsible for administering most of the Residential,Landscape, and CII BMPs currently being offered to Region II customers. Additional detaileddescriptions of wholesaler DMM implementation can also be found in Metropolitan’s <strong>2010</strong>Regional <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, as well as CBMWD and WBMWD’s <strong>2010</strong> UWMPswhere appropriate. GSWC will continue to support Metropolitan activities and will focus onimproving outreach to its customers and promoting awareness of the programs available tothem.Once the pending rate case is approved by the CPUC, GSWC will develop a prioritized wateruse efficiency program and implementation schedule for all customer service areas in thecompany focusing on systems with the highest SBX7-7 water use reduction targets, and thosewhere specific conservation activities can be implemented that are locally cost-effective.Programs that are cost-effective to implement on a companywide basis will also be considered.At this time, all of the BMPs are cost-effective for implementation in Region II, where theavoided cost of water is $980 per acre-foot.7.4.1 Residential DMMs7.4.1.1 Residential Assistance ProgramsGSWC has an audit program targeting high-use single-family (SF) and multi-family (MF)residential customers. GSWC identifies these customers based on billing data and contactsthem to offer free audits. Audits are also offered to walk-in customers at the local customerservice area office. Additional home audits are conducted as part of the school educationprogram (Section The number of residential audits performed by GSWC and thenumber of low-flow devices that were distributed are summarized in Table 7-5. Low-flow devicesare available for free to customers at the GSWC office and are distributed to students as part ofthe free conservation kits they receive in the school education program.Table 7-5:Residential Surveys and Retrofits in the Metro <strong>Report</strong>ing Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 <strong>2010</strong>Single-Family AccountsSurveys Offered005,87813,28614,100Surveys Completed001,8213,1862,945Multi-Family AccountsSurveys Offered005,87897119Surveys Completed001,8213220DevicesShowerheads7007008,80010,16511,072Aerators10007008,50026,76628,255<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – <strong>Culver</strong> <strong>City</strong> Page 7-9Golden State <strong>Water</strong> Companyg:\adminasst\jobs\<strong>2010</strong>\1070001.00_gswc-uwmp\09-reports\9.09-reports\2011-08\grp3\gswc_culvercity_<strong>2010</strong>_uwmp-final.doc

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