User-Service Manual - Joerns

User-Service Manual - Joerns

User-Service Manual - Joerns


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<strong>Joerns</strong> ® Bariatric BedsModel Bari10AImportant PrecautionsWarning: Possible Injury Or Death. This productis intended for use as an adjustable mattresssupport platform that contours for resident/patientcomfort with adjustable height for resident/patientand caregiver convenience. Use of this product in amanner for which it was not designed could resultin unproven or unsafe configuration, potentiallyresulting in injury or death.Warning: Possible Injury. Before adjusting bed,ensure that area under and near bed perimeter isfree of people and obstructions. Failure to do socould result in injury.Warning: Possible Injury. Keep bed in lowestposition except when providing care (bathing,clothing changes, etc.). Bed should be at lowestconvenient height for entry or exit. Failure to do socould result in injury.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Floor locksincrease bed stability and resident/patient safety.Floor and caster swivel locks must be locked prior toany resident/patient transfer or resident/patient useof the bed. Failure to do so could result in injury ordeath.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Residents/patients may become entangled in pendant cord.Patients with reduced mental acuity should not beallowed access to pendant. Unsupervised use ofpendant could result in injury or death.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Bed safeworking load is 1050 pounds. This is total weightcounting resident/patient, mattress, bedding and anyother equipment or persons likely to be on bed. Donot exceed 1050-pound safe working load. Exceedingthe safe working load could result in propertydamage, injury or death.Warning: Possible Fire Hazard. Use nasal maskor ½ bed tent oxygen administering equipment.Oxygen tent should not extend below mattresssupport platform. Pendant should not be placed inan oxygen-enriched environment such as an oxygentent. Use of electrical circuits in an oxygen-enrichedenvironment could result in a fire hazard.Warning: Possible Shock Hazard. Unplugpower cord from wall outlet before performing anymaintenance, cleaning, or service to the bed. Failureto do so could result in injury or death. Note: Incase of unexpected movement,disconnect batteryand unplug bed from any outlet.Warning: Possible Shock Hazard. Injury mayresult from improper routing of the power cord.Always follow the proper factory-installed routingconfiguration. Failure to do so could result in injuryor death.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Use amattress that is properly sized to fit mattresssupport platform, which will remain centered onmattress support platform relative to State andFederal guidelines. Length and width should matchmattress support platform. Use of an improperlyfitted mattress could result in injury or death.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. If a resident/patient’s mental or physical condition could lead toresident/patient entrapment, the mattress supportplatform should be left in the flat position whenunattended. Failure to do so could result in injury ordeath.Warning: Possible Injury or Death. An optimalbed system assessment should be conducted on eachresident by a qualified clinician or medical providerto ensure maximum safety of the resident. Theassessment should be conducted within the contextof, and in compliance with, the state and federalguidelines related to the use of restraints and bedsystem entrapment guidance, including the ClinicalGuidance for the Assessment and Implementationof Side Rails published by the Hospital BedSafety Workgroup of the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration. Further information can be obtainedat the following web address: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/GeneralHospitalDevicesandSupplies/HospitalBeds/default.htm.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Use aproperly sized mattress in order to minimize the gapbetween the side of mattress and Side Rails/AssistDevices. This gap must be small enough to preventresident/patient from getting his/her head or neckcaught in this location. Make sure that raising orlowering bed, or contouring the mattress supportplatform, does not create any hazardous gaps.Excessive gaps may result in injury or death.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Do not useany Side Rails/Assist Devices until you verify theyare locked in place. Failure to lock assist devices mayresult in injury or death.Warning: Possible Injury Or Death. Do not useany replacement parts not manufactured, marketed,or provided by <strong>Joerns</strong> Healthcare on any <strong>Joerns</strong> bed.Use of unapproved replacement parts may result ininjury or death.2

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