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News, Strategy, Insight And Analysis. Updated - Engage Digital

News, Strategy, Insight And Analysis. Updated - Engage Digital


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phile, Peter has been actively involved in bridging the gap betweenthe existing world wide web and 3d virtual worlds. Prior to workingwith Metaversatility, Peter worked as a software development consultantproviding clients with advanced, web-based custom softwaresolutions. Today, Metaversatility is involved in building andworking within virtual worlds of all shapes, sizes and dimensions.Neil HarrisExecutive Vice PresidentSimutronicsNeil is the driving force behind the company’s key partnerships andbusiness strategies as head of business development and marketing.Prior to joining Simutronics in 1993, Neil spent fi ve years withGeneral Electric as marketing director for its groundbreaking GEnieonline service, spearheading its strategic focus on games and forums.He spent eight years during the 1980s with Commodore andAtari where he helped launch their computer systems. He has anMBA from the Wharton School of Business.Lewis HendersonSenior VP, Head of <strong>Digital</strong>William MorrisMr. Henderson is a Senior Vice President and the Head of <strong>Digital</strong>at William Morris. His responsibilities include building revenuegeneratingdigital business opportunities domestically and internationallyfor all William Morris clients across fi lm, television, music,publishing, theater, sports, and corporate. In addition, William Morris<strong>Digital</strong> advises leading technology companies and digital mediastart-ups like Mywaves, Hiro, Immersive, Scanscout, and Habboon entertainment strategy. He also works with the Mail Room Fund,which is a partnership between Accel Partners, Venrock, and AT&T.Mr. Henderson started his career as a trainee in 1989 and eventuallyadvanced to the agency’s television department.John HengeveldSenior Business StrategistIntelJohn Hengeveld has 20 years of experience leading the developmentof technology and business strategy. John is currently theSenior Business Strategist for Intel’s <strong>Digital</strong> Enterprise group. Dedicatedto life-long learning, he also teaches Corporate <strong>Strategy</strong> andBusiness <strong>Strategy</strong> and Policy for Portland State University’s Masterof Business Administration program. John is a graduate of theMassachusetts Institute of Technology and holds his MBA from theUniversity of Oregon.Joshua HowardSenior Vice-President of Online DevelopmentBella Sara OnlineHidden City Games, maker of Bella Sarawww.hiddencitygames.comJoshua Howard has 15 years of experience at Microsoft, wherehe was group manager for Carbonated Games, the casual gamesstudio he started at the company. Prior to that he was part of MSNGames/Zone.com, where he was responsible for overseeing allefforts related to distributing, publishing and internally developinggames for MSN Games, Live Messenger and Xbox Live Arcadebefore joining Hidden City Games.Ian Hughes/epredatorMetaverse EvangelistIBMIan Hughes, a.k.a., epredator is an IBM Consulting IT Specialistwho has worked on leading edge emerging technologies for thepast 18 years, a programmer since he was 14. As a gamer he hasseen a massive increase in the capability and design ethics withingames and the rise of online gaming. In 1997 Ian started workingon all things web, changing his perspective on the technology andthe business due the much richer mix of people involved in the webrevolution. Graphic Designer, Producers and Programmers all havingto work together. At work he has seen and been part of the Web2.0 revolution has a top rated blog inside IBM and jointly writeshttp://www.eightbar.com outside. As a digital native his epredatorpersona spans many places, blogs, Eve Online, WoW, Xbox Live,Twitter, Flickr etc. He is offi cially an IBM Metaverse Evangelist havingled in band of colleagues into Second Life (as epredator potato)and other virtual worlds for the past 2.5 years with a view to understandingwhat the social, business and technical implications are ofvirtual world technology.Teemu HuuhtanenPresident, North America & EVP Habbo BusinessSulake Corporation Ltd.As Executive Vice President for Habbo Business and President,North America for Sulake Corporation, Teemu Huuhtanen is instrumentalin leading the continued growth of one of world’s most popularonline social networking and gaming communities for teens,Habbo.com, Sulake’s top property. Since its launch in 2000, Habbohas grown to over 7 million unique monthly users worldwide andhas been launched in 30 countries on fi ve continents. Its highlytrafficked North American sites, headed by Huuhtanen, receiveover 1.5 million unique users per month. In 2003 Huuhtanen wasnamed Vice President, Sales for Sulake, overseeing sales at thecompany’s headquarters in Finland.Daniel JamesCEOThree RingsDaniel is co-founder and CEO of Three Rings, developers of casualMMO games PUZZLE PIRATES, BANG! HOWDY and the openweb-based virtual world, WHIRLED. Three Rings is an independentgame developer and operator with over thirty employees, based inSan Francisco. Prior to Three Rings Daniel developed MMORPGsand text MUDs, starting in the fi eld in 1982.Dan JansenCEO and Co-FounderVirtual GreatsDan Jansen is the CEO of Virtual Greats, a company that distributesand sells branded virtual goods in partnership with the leadingsocial networks and virtual worlds. Prior to founding Virtual Greats,Jansen was an active investor and entrepreneur in the new space.He also led the Global Media & Entertainment practice for theBoston Consutling Group. Jansen holds a BA in Economics fromUCLA and an MBA from the Wharton School and lives in ManhattanBeach with his wife and three children.Barry JosephOnline Leadership DirectorGlobal Kids, Inc.Barry Joseph holds a BA from Northwestern University and an MAin American Studies from New York University. Barry has developedinnovative programs in the areas of youth-led online dialogues,video games as a form of youth media, and the educational potentialof virtual worlds, combining youth development practices withthe development of high profi le digital media projects that develop21st Century Skills. He has also worked with GK’s developmentprogram to secure funding from a number of foundation’s and corporations.He has spoken at numerous conferences and publishedarticles in a wide variety of publications. More at olp.globalkids.organd RezEd.org.Page 28Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo is a production of Virtual Worlds Management

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