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News, Strategy, Insight And Analysis. Updated - Engage Digital

News, Strategy, Insight And Analysis. Updated - Engage Digital


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300The Electric Sheep CompanyESC is a leading provider of virtual world technology, strategyand design. Since 2005, ESC has worked with the world’s largestbrands, media companies, and agencies to design and implementgreat virtual experiences. ESC works with multiple virtualworld technologies, including its proprietary WebFlock platform.WebFlock is a new Flash- based product that enables the creationof private-labeled virtual spaces for social interaction, media consumptionand game play. Our client roster includes MTV, CBS,Showtime, NBC, Warner Bros, NBA, MLB, WWE, AOL, IBM, Intel,Reuters, Pepsi, Geek Squad, Procter & Gamble, Nissan, BantamDell and many more. For more information, visit http://www.electricsheepcompany.com212TurboSquidTurboSquid is the world’s leading seller of 3D models and 3D softwareplug-ins. With over 200,000 assets in our library, you arebound to fi nd the 3D model, software, or tool that is perfect for yourproject. TurboSquid has a great selection of everyday items andaccessories that are ideal for your Virtual World, too! TurboSquidoffers premium 3ds Max plug-ins and training content from creativedevelopers around the globe. More information about TurboSquidcan be found at TurboSquid.com.315WeblinWeblin (www.weblin.com) is a tool that allows Web surfers to makethemselves visible to other users by assigning an avatar, or “weblin,”to depict a user at the bottom of a Web site. With the application,weblins who are on the same site at the same time will seeeach other and be able to communicate in real-time. A browserbasedversion of the tool, weblin lite (http://lite.weblin.com), is alsoavailable and requires no download or registration. Weblin wasfounded in 2006, and is funded by T-Venture Holding, one of Germany’sleading venture capital fi rms. The company has receivedmultiple Web 2.0 innovation prizes including Red Herring Europe100, and Business 2.0. AlwaysOn recently included weblin in itsAO Global 250 List. Companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Italiancar maker Lancia are already using Weblin to expand the reach oftheir community, create stickiness, and provide a revolutionary immersiveWeb experiences. http://www.weblin.com.126YogurtYogurtistan : A new massively online marketplace (MOM) in AdobeFlash! Developed by Yogurt Inc., Yogurtistan is a 3D avatar virtualworld based on Adobe Flash, where users can create shops, playmultiplayer games, sell and buy goods and services with animatedavatars. Users earn virtual credits upon registering and can startdoing business once they open up their stores. Yogurtistan will rewardits active members by giving them back part of the value createdinside the world. Yogurt, a start-up from Istanbul, has beendeveloping Yogurtistan since mid-2007. Backed by Golden HornVentures. The company offi cials said they will go to open betaphase by the end of this year and currently looking for Series Binvestment. The company plans to develop cities in Yogurtistan forevery major world language, with local stores and content.317VastParkVastPark is virtual worlds technology done right. • Open framework.• Open eco-system – Own your own! Commercialise as youwish. • Free platform download – Free to use toolset for indie,SME & personal uses. • New: Leverage our powerful portable 3Dwidget and plug-in solution • Coming soon: Enable your users tocreate, share, run and join up their own unique microworlds built inseconds from your community content. Latest: Platform v0.94 nowavailable Join our VastPark Developer Program – opening soon!VastPark is not a single virtual world. Instead, it is a series of tools,APIs and libraries that you can use to make and deploy (and evenmonetize) your own virtual worlds and 3D widgets for corporate,educational and commercial purposes. It can run online or behind afi rewall. You can view examples and download the latest toolset forfree (no registration required) from www.vastpark.com. The frameworkis simple, distributed and extensible. Some call it elegant.112Virtual Job CandyVirtual Job Candy is a job board dedicated to Virtual World Jobsand Virtual World Employers. We deal exclusively with jobs in the3D Animation, Multimedia and Virtual World production and developmentspace. We ensure our client’s jobs get exposure on sitessuch as Simply Hired, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter andIndeed. Virtual Job Candy also offers virtual world services such asvirtual interviews, job fairs and training.Page 48SPONSORSAria SystemsAria Systems is the leading provider of subscription billing solutionsand offers the only “monetization platform” encompassingthe full spectrum of Billing and Customer Lifecycle Managementservices. The “monetization platform” offers clients the on-demandbilling industry’s most fl exible tool for accelerating revenue capture,optimizing cash fl ow, and enabling actionable market intelligencewhile significantly reducing operating costs throughout each phaseof the customer lifecycle. Acknowledged as the SaaS billing leaderin terms of experience and execution, Aria manages and maintainsmore than 1 million accounts and has processed more than 1 billiontransactions since it began operations in 2003. With HummerWinblad and software billing icon Dave Labuda as investors, thecompany is based in Media, Pa. (metropolitan Philadelphia), withoffi ces in the San Francisco bay area as well. For more information,visit www.ariasystems.com.Fatfoogoofatfoogoo provides the leading game commerce ecosystem for themonetization of online games and virtual worlds via micro transactions.Our plug-n-play system supports publisher-to-player andplayer-to-player transactions as well as the traditional subscriptionmodels. fatfoogoo enables the implementation of highly successfulbusiness models into games quickly and reliably through its comprehensiveservices platform and open architecture. The fatfoogoooffering includes a comprehensive set of building blocks designedto process millions of daily transactions. It is designed to be embeddedin online games and virtual worlds and is ready for globaldeployment and operation. Operationally, commercially and legally,fatfoogoo has vast experience through beta-testing the system with170.000+ users. Our specialized team allows game operators tofocus on their core competencies and outsource the complexity ofthe in-game commercial ecosystem to the experts.Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo is a production of Virtual Worlds Management

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