Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com

Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com

Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com


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<strong>Wavin</strong> Annual Report 2010 | page 113GoodwillThe carrying amount of goodwill allocated to each CGU is as follows:(€ x 1,000) 2010 2009North West Europe 20,433 20,433UK/Ireland 37,261 36,448South East Europe 12,668 12,729Central & Eastern Europe 52,776 50,310Nordic Europe 24,315 23,987South West Europe 4,861 4,861Overseas and Other 2,944 2,935Total 155,258 151,703As a result of exchange rate differences especially of the Pound Sterling and Polish Zloty the carrying amount of goodwillincreased by € 3.5 million.Brand namesThe carrying amount of brand names can be specifi ed as follows:(€ x 1,000) BRAND NAME 2010 2009UK/Ireland Hep 2O 60,146 58,293UK/Ireland Warmafl oor 598 580South East Europe Chemidro 3,000 3,000South East Europe Pilsa 2,658 2,553<strong>Wavin</strong> Group <strong>Wavin</strong> 157,680 156,210Total 224,082 220,636As a result of exchange rate differences especially of the Pound Sterling the carrying amount of brand names increased by€ 3.4 million.The carrying amount of brand names can be allocated as follows to each CGU:(€ x 1,000) 2010 2009North West Europe 36,350 36,350UK/Ireland 90,064 87,975South East Europe 21,528 21,515Central & Eastern Europe 24,161 23,158Nordic Europe 26,760 26,418South West Europe 21,510 21,510Overseas and Other 3,709 3,710Total 224,082 220,636Customer relations and other assets from business <strong>com</strong>binationsThe carrying amount of other assets from business <strong>com</strong>binations represents the recognised assets consisting mainly of orderportfolio and customer contracts which meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3. In case of a triggering event animpairment test is performed by estimating the recoverable amount based on its value in use.Other intangible assetsDevelopment costsThe carrying amount of development costs represents the capitalised expenses related to new internally developed productsand production processes. In case of a triggering event an impairment test is performed by estimating the recoverableamount based on its value in use.

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