Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com

Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com

Today, Wavin - Jaarverslag.com


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<strong>Wavin</strong> Annual Report 2010 | page 58HumanResourcesWith the demanding restructuring programmes of the previous years up and running in 2010, <strong>Wavin</strong>employees professionally and loyally dealt with the day to day challenges of a highly <strong>com</strong>petitive market.At the same time, the focus turned to our strategy going forward. Following an intense review process,including the implementation of several work streams with teams of executives and functional specialistsworking together, ‘<strong>Wavin</strong> 2015’ was launched as the roadmap to sustainable growth and profi tability.Achieving our strategic objectives requires a focussed and alert organisation, with a strong local marketorientation, supported by operations that are optimised both across borders and across functions. Torealise this, a number of organisational and operational changes were implemented at the end of 2010.These included an adjustment to the regional structure by merging regions in the more mature marketsand the implementation of a single Marketing & Technology organisation, focussed on Group wide<strong>com</strong>mercial and innovation efforts.Immediately following the introduction of ‘<strong>Wavin</strong> 2015’ at a meeting of the <strong>com</strong>pany’s Top 100management in October 2010, CEO Henk ten Hove held local strategy sessions to involve and engagemore levels of employees throughout the Group. These efforts will continue in 2011 through countryvisits and online dialogue sessions in which specifi c topics relating to the <strong>Wavin</strong> strategy can beaddressed.Organisational andoperationalchangesimplementedWorkforce per regionPer 31 December 2010, the <strong>Wavin</strong> Group employed 6,448 people, <strong>com</strong>pared with 6,238 in 2009.Unlike previous years, there were relatively few restructuring programmes, mainly in France and theNetherlands. The table below shows the workforce of the new regions at the end of 2010.REGION 2010 2009North West Europe 1,649 1,692South West Europe 1,971 1,879South East Europe 1,204 1,092Central & Eastern Europe 1,356 1,317Overseas and Other 268 258Total 6,448 6,238Leadership development<strong>Wavin</strong> has an in house Management Development programme to secure availability of qualifi ed <strong>Wavin</strong>managers that can fulfi l senior management positions and realise business goals.Performance measurementA leadership framework was designed in cooperation with regional HR, corporate HR and the ExecutiveCommittee. This framework describes effective management behaviour at fi ve different managementlevels and enables our managers to discuss and measure performance effectively. Managers can usethe tool for recruitment, appraisal, selection and development purposes. The leadership framework willfurther strengthen our performance-management culture.Career appraisalWe improved the quality of the execution of annual appraisals. To realise this, HR managers weretrained to deliver a one day Career Appraisal workshop to our managers. Other topics that were coveredduring the training were objective and target setting, learning to observe behaviour and giving feedback.

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