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Step 2: Drafting graticule ticks (fig 4-21). The graticule ticks along the neat lines and interior crossescan now be properly symbolized. Refer to the 25-50-100 style sheet (arrangement A) in the back of thissubcourse, and examine the graticule ticks and intersections. On the south neat line find the graticuletick 55'. This tick is symbolized by a short straight line. A red dimension number is located at the endof this tick which reads .15". All graticule ticks are symbolized with a short tick mark .15" long. Nowlocate on the style sheet the interior cross with a geographic value of 50'W 35'N. The graticuleintersection is symbolized by a cross whose dimensions are .30" x .30". The dimension .006" is the lineweight of the cross. This line weight pertains to the final color separation dimension, not the pencildrafted copy, so do not worry about it now. All graticule intersections are drafted with a cross .30" long.a. To draft the graticule ticks, take your straightedge and draft a .15" line originating from theintersection of each of the plotted graticule ticks and neat lines. Be sure that the tick is perpendicularwith the neat line.b. To draft the graticule intersections, again use your straightedge and draft a cross .30" longusing the plotted position as the origin of the cross. Also make sure the two lines are parallel with thesouth and east or north and west neat lines.Step 3: Erase all excess lines falling beyond the neat lines of the projection. Using a large eraser (artgum eraser), erase all the grid lines and grid numbers that appear outside of the neat lines.Step 4: Label the grid lines using the data on DA Form 1941 in accordance with the DMATC TM S-1 Style Sheet (fig 4-21). Refer again to the style sheet in the back of this subcourse and label the gridlines along the neat lines. Use the DA Form 1941, figure 4-1, for the grid numbers. Ignore the bluegrid numbers on the style sheet. This is for an overlapping grid which will not be covered in thissubcourse.Note: In the southwest corner the first grid line carries the full UTM grid value.Step 5: Using the data from DA Forms 1941 and 1932, label the projection corners and graticuleticks (fig 4-21) in accordance with DMATC TM S-1 Style Sheet.84

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